If you aren't satisfied with your personal profile anymore or do need to make some changes, you can easily edit it. The following article provides guidance on how to edit your profile.
1. Log in on Volunteer World.
2. Click on the three dots and select "Settings" to access your profile.
3. Click on "Edit".
4. Enter your changes and click on "Update" at the bottom of the page.
Why is my profile important?
Volunteer World is a community-based platform that aims to create trust and safety for volunteers and social organizations. We therefore strongly recommend volunteers upload all given personal information and a profile picture before applying. Organizations prefer applications with lots of information and an accurate picture of the person applying.
Especially emergency contacts will make the situation easier for everyone, in case things go other than planned.
Make sure your profile indicates that you're reliable, authentic, and committed to the spirit of Volunteer World.
Edit your profile now!