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Here are the quick solutions to troubleshootings you might find.
14 articles
Why can't I click the "Next" button when creating an account?
Why can't I add a new column to the orders page?
How long does it take for orders to appear on the platform?
Do you have a mobile app?
Why can't we create a new user when it says the VAT number is already in use?
How can I make a re-order and find the available products?
Why does my order show "Status non available"?
How do I create my own template?
Can I delete a document to insert a new one into the template?
Can we add more users to the same account?
Is it possible to set up an account and connect multiple stores to my Vuuh account?
Can I delete an order in the system to send a new one with updates?
Why does my order show "Status not available"?
Can we get both order and delivery information or just the order details?