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How to export a CSV?

CSV Export

Updated over a week ago

Manual process ✋

You can export a CSV containing all the data from your leads.

The separator will be commas.

In order for the exported CSV to be opened correctly, you must open it for the first time with the separators "," only and not another one.

It should also be opened in UTF8 to ensure that the accents are correctly retrieved. This can be done in two clicks, as shown in this tutorial, and will be done at the same time as the choice of the separators of the CSV file.

CSV File

The CSV file will retrieve different data, here's an example:

When we don't have the data, we let the cell empty.

You can help yourself with the full article!

Automated process 🔁

To automate this, you must use a sequence with a Zapier step, or create a "reply goal" in a campaign (these options are eligible with the Business and Advanced plans). Here are different ways to export to your own CRM:

  • You can use Zapier and follow this article to export into the CRM of your choice: Hubspot, Pipedrive...

  • You can create your own webhook, it doesn't have to be from Zapier. You can use Integromat, etc.


Here is the JSON file your webhook will retrieve:

"status": "connected;pending;not_connected",
"connectedAt": ";;",
"publicIdentifier": "johndoe;mariaphenix;brucemclean",
"firstName": "John;Maria;Bruce",
"lastName": "Doe;Phenix;Mclean",
"occupation": "Sales manager at Netflix;UI designer at Facebook;Ex software engineer at Google, i'm looking for a new job !",
"profilePicture": ";;",
"influencer": "true;false;false",
"jobSeeker": "false;false;true",
"openlink": "true;true;false",
"premium": "false;true;false",
"profileUrl": ";;",
"region": "Paris;New-York;London",
"birthday": "1/8;;",
"address": ";;",
"company": "Netflix;Facebook;",
"email": ";;",
"phoneNumbers": "mobile:0787123476-fixe:0389076542;;"
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