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My campaign is frozen

Why is my campaign not moving and action not being sent?

Updated this week

At some point during your Waalaxy journey, you may notice that your campaigns are no longer running, or that your actions (e.g., invitations, messages, etc.) are not being sent.

This article highlights the main reasons why this could happen.

LinkedIn and Waalaxy’s quotas

Daily action quotas have been reached

Each day, Waalaxy defines a maximum random quota for each specific action (invitation, message, visit, follow, message request) on your account.

If you've reached a daily action quota, all similar actions in your queue (where all actions are prioritized) will be delayed until the next quota reset.

☝️ Example

You launched a visit campaign, all visits for the day were executed, so you have no more visit quota left. In the queue you’ll see under your visit quota “0 left today”.

Daily quotas are reset every day between midnight and 4 a.m, you can check when they'll be reset directly from the queue tab:

Weekly LinkedIn invitations quota has been reached (Postponed Status)

LinkedIn allows you to send up to 200 invitations per week on their platform.

Once you've reached that limit, Waalaxy will stop sending invitations and wait until LinkedIn reset your weekly quota. In the meantime, other available actions (message, visit, follow, message request, email) will continue to be sent.

When you reach that LinkedIn limit, all remaining invitations will get a “Postponed” status in Waalaxy.

You can find those prospects by activating the “State” filter and selecting “Postponed” in the campaign.

Monthly LinkedIn connexion note quota has been reached

If you have a LinkedIn Freemium account, you can only send 5 notes per month, with a limit of 200 characters.

Once you have reached this monthly quota, you will no longer be able to send a connexion request with a note via Waalaxy.

To continue sending connexion requests, there are two options:

  1. Subscribe to LinkedIn Premium, Sales Navigator or Recruiter Lite, so you can send all invitations with a note. 💸

💡Good to know

If you opt for the second option, I recommend that you update your follow-up messages or adapt your sequence to this new limitation.

Your campaign appears with a red / orange dot

Depending on the status of your leads in your campaigns, your campaigns will show a small round of different colours with the following meanings:

🔴: you no longer have any active leads in this campaign. Here are the possible reasons:

  1. This can happen when all your prospects have completed the campaign, either by going through each step or by replying to a message (for example) from the campaign.

  2. The leads you have added to this campaign do not match the chosen sequence.

☝️ Examples

Invitation: Sequences that start with this action are reserved for prospects who are not yet part of your network (Not connected status). This means that you can’t launch a connected prospect in your invitation campaign.

Message: This action is reserved for your 1st-degree relations on LinkedIn (connected status). This means that you can’t include a non-connected prospect in your message campaign.

🟠: You have leads in progress in this campaign but no action in the queue, so this means that the remaining leads in this campaign are waiting for a condition to move to the next step.


You’ve sent an invitation to a lead, but they haven’t accepted it yet. From your campaign, you can see the condition as follows ⬇️

🟢: You have actions queued for this campaign.

You are outside your working hours

In this case, you will see "Off" in the queue.

On Waalaxy, you can define time slots during which your campaign actions will be sent.

  • It'll show a 🟢 button on top if you’re inside your working hours.

  • If not, you will need to update your working hours from Settings > Account Activity.

You don’t have your LinkedIn tab open or your computer turned on

On the Freemium Waalaxy version, you need to have a LinkedIn tab open, and your computer must be left on for actions to run.

💡 Good to know

You don't need to keep a Waalaxy tab open (but make sure to have the extension active).

You are not connected to the Cloud

The Cloud feature is enabled on your account, but you haven't entered your LinkedIn credentials. This is necessary so that we can maintain the connexion between Waalaxy and your LinkedIn account to send actions without interruption.

From the settings:

My prospects have an "Unknown" status

If you imported your prospects from a CSV file, they will have an "Unknown" connexion status.

  • This means we couldn't retrieve their connexion status (connected/not connected) on LinkedIn, preventing us from determining their sequence step.

  • Consequently, they can't start a campaign that doesn't begin with a visit step.


  1. Automate this process with a visit campaign.

Bug on Waalaxy: Import issues

Import doesn't start or complete

In most cases, this indicates a cache issue.

If you encounter problems during import, follow these steps:

Not all prospects are imported

  1. Duplicates: Anti-duplication control identified existing prospects in your lists.

  2. False positives: Job titles didn't match your search keywords due to the import cleaning feature.

  3. Out of Network: LinkedIn blocks profiles beyond the 3rd-degree connexion. Names are hidden ("LinkedIn Member"), and they can't be imported.

  4. Beyond Page 101: LinkedIn only shows 100 pages of results, limiting imports to 1,000 prospects per search (2,500 for Sales Navigator).

CSV import issues

Only LinkedIn or Sales Navigator URLs are imported from CSV file. Then, profiles will update during a visit campaign.

⚠️ Other data (email, first name, last name) is not imported.

Verify URLs:

1️⃣ Ensure they are personal profiles, not company pages.

☝️ Example

Sort URLs alphabetically to identify any company pages.

2️⃣ Depending on the source of your URLs, you may have "undesirable" characters.

☝️ Example

Double slashes, like here:

  • Replace undesirable characters (e.g., double slashes //) with a single slash /. Search for /in// and replace with /in/ 🚀.

Bug on Waalaxy: Switching Profiles

To work with a different LinkedIn account on Waalaxy:

  1. Log out of the first LinkedIn profile.

  2. Log into the new LinkedIn profile.

  3. If Waalaxy still connects to the first profile, uninstall and reinstall the extension.

If you don't find yourself in one of these situations, contact client support and mention that you have already checked this article! 🦹‍♂️

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