What's the Cloud?

How to connect to the Waalaxy Cloud via "Sign in via Google Chrome"?

Updated over a week ago

What’s the Cloud?

1️⃣ The Cloud is a feature that enables Waalaxy to send user actions (invitations, messages, profile visits, etc.) without interruption even if his computer is turned off.

Activating the Cloud has two main advantages:

  • You no longer need to have a LinkedIn tab open or your computer turned on.

  • You no longer need to update the extension when we make a fix.

2️⃣ When the user (that’s you!) activates the Cloud on his account, Waalaxy automatically retrieves the current login cookie from your session.

It allows Waalaxy to immediately start sending actions from our proxy servers and take over from your extension, even if you didn’t enter your LinkedIn credentials yet.

3️⃣ When the Cloud feature is active, actions on LinkedIn will be sent following the working hours you set up/you chose.

How the Cloud works?

Each user is assigned a fixed IP address. There are a maximum of 5 users per IP address.

The IP addresses we use are from a virtual private network (VPN). Given that 1 in 4 internet users worldwide uses a VPN, this is considered entirely normal behavior by LinkedIn.

You will simply receive an email to validate this new IP address, as it's a security measure from LinkedIn to ensure that your account hasn't been hacked.

Once this new IP address is validated, LinkedIn considers it part of your regular IP address list. Even if it's not in your city, this has no impact.

Is using the cloud safe?

The Cloud feature doesn’t entail any additional risk of detection by LinkedIn, quite the contrary.

  • LinkedIn doesn't consider the distance between your different IP addresses because you could use a VPN to simulate your presence in another country.

  • Furthermore, LinkedIn's IP address localization system is often inaccurate: they're wrong half the time and indicate the wrong country when detecting a connection via VPN or proxy. This is another reason why they don't take this information into account.

Finally, you can verify that we've properly assigned a proxy near you by entering the displayed IP address into a good IP address locator.

All these considerations combined mean that, in reality, our users are more undetectable than ever since the deployment of the Cloud. 🛡️

Are Cloud credentials mandatory?

  • Yes, it is no longer possible to deactivate the Cloud. We are compelled to do this by the new Chrome Store regulations. Indeed, Google no longer allows actions to be performed from an extension in 2024, and we have a few months to comply with these new standards.

➡️ As a result, Waalaxy is transitioning to 100% Cloud.

  • This is why it is now mandatory to validate LinkedIn credentials to synchronize the Waalaxy account with the LinkedIn profile, ensuring that Waalaxy does not need to go through your browser.

➡️ This information is stored encrypted, and no human can access it.

Should I connect to the Cloud every time?

No, once you successfully connect your Cloud, you won't need to connect again. Your credentials will be securely encrypted by Waalaxy so that we can automatically reconnect as needed, without any action required on your part.

In case of incomplete synchronization, Waalaxy is capable of retrieving the "login cookie" from your current Chrome session, and thus logging into your LinkedIn account for a limited time. This is particularly useful for carrying out actions for your campaigns if you have not yet entered your credentials.

However, this is only temporary, and in your absence, we can’t guarantee the continuity of campaigns if LinkedIn requests a new authentication.

  • Therefore, you will need to enter your LinkedIn login credentials from your Waalaxy account to ensure the uninterrupted sending of your actions.

    ➡️ You can complete this from “Settings” and “Cloud”.

If you want to find out how to connect to the Cloud, this is the place to do it. 🚀

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