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Newsletters & Scheduled Emails
Updated over a week ago

Keeping your clients in the loop with exciting updates, promotions, and news has never been easier! Effortlessly create and schedule emails with this new feature. Let's walk through the process step by step.

Access Newsletters & Scheduled Emails by following these steps

  1. From the Main Navigation Menu select Marketing Center

  2. Choose Newsletters & Scheduled Emails

  3. Select Create Email

Get Started with Your Email

  1. Name and Description: Give your email a unique name and a brief description that captures its purpose.

  2. Audience: Choose who will receive the email. You can pick from existing audiences or create a custom one, exclusive to this email.

  3. Preview Your Audience: Take a sneak peek at the contacts set to receive your email by selecting View contacts. This preview is time-stamped to keep it current.

Craft Your Email Content

  1. Select Configure this action: Complete the details to build your email.

  2. To and From: The recipient's first name is automatically filled in. Customize the sender's name (defaults to your business name).

  3. Reply To Email: Designate an email address for replies (default is your business's main contact).

  4. Subject and Preview Text: Grab attention by keeping it snappy and not spammy

  5. Footer: Choose to include the client's home location or default location. There is always an unsubscribe link!

Choose Layout and Design

  1. Standard: Type your message using the rich text box. Test it by sending yourself a trial email.

  2. Advanced: Explore templates from the template center. Select an existing one or create your own layout.

Schedule Your Email

  1. Pick Date and Time: Choose when your email will be sent, based on your business's time zone. Remember, no scheduled time means no email sending.

  2. Personal Touch: Use variables like [business_name], [client_first_name], and more to add a personal touch.

Stay Organized

  1. Upcoming Emails: Your emails are sorted by upcoming dates for easy management.

  2. Past Emails: Sent emails are sorted by sent dates, keeping your history in order.

Actions you can take from the email list page:

Delete (if not sent): In case a scheduled email hasn't been sent, you have the option to delete it entirely.

Duplicate: Efficiency is key. You can duplicate a sent or created newsletter, which includes duplicating the audience and email content. However, the schedule itself won't be copied – you'll need to set it again.

Edit (if not sent): You can make edits to your email or newsletter, but only if it hasn't been sent yet. Once an email is sent, editing is not possible.

Rename: Give your scheduled email a new name to better reflect its content or purpose.

View contacts: Gain valuable insights by viewing the contacts who are part of the audience for the scheduled email.

Duplicating a Newsletter

With the following video, you can duplicate a newsletter's content to send to a new audience.

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