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Journey and Audience Builds
Audiences for Newsletters & Scheduled Emails
Audiences for Newsletters & Scheduled Emails
Updated over a week ago

Craft an audience that can be reused for sending newsletters or scheduled emails. Follow these steps to create an Audience that includes All Clients, clients who have recently visited your studio, or clients who have member status.

When creating your Audience, keep in mind bounce and spam complaint thresholds. You do not want to exceed the bounce threshold of 10% and maintain a spam complaint rate threshold below 0.1%. Email servers flag streams thats exceed the thresholds and can temporarily suspend sending capabilities. As tempting as it is to create an audience that includes everyone who is opted in, we advise you set an additional condition layer to to send only to clients have visited recently. For example, you can create an audience to clients who have visited at least once in the past year.

Clients will be sent emails and texts from the Marketing Center only if they are opted in to Marketing.

Create an All Clients Audience

Create an Audience that includes All Clients (Not recommended)

Use the "Record Creation Date" filter to locate contacts based on when they were added to your contacts list. To capture everyone, including migrated clients who were added during your migration to Walla if you came from a previous platform.

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Audiences

  2. Select Create an Audience

  3. Give the Audience a Name and Purpose (to help you identify it)

  4. Assign a location (optional)

  5. Choose Save Audience

  6. Select Add a Condition

  7. Choose the Record Creation Date condition

  8. Add within the last 365 days for 1 year, 730 days for 2 years, or 1825 for 5 years

  9. Add condition

Create an Audience Based on Visit Activity

Create an Audience that includes recently "active" clients (Recommended)

In this Audience clients who are considered to be recently active are clients with at least one check-in in the past 365 days.

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Audiences

  2. Select Create an Audience

  3. Give the Audience a Name and Purpose (to help you identify it)

  4. Assign a location (optional)

  5. Choose Save Audience

  6. Select Add a Condition

  7. Choose the Class Check-in Activity condition

  8. Under Number of Check-ins enter 1

  9. Add within the last 365 days for 1 year, 730 days for 2 years, or 1825 for 5 years

  10. Add condition

Create an Audience Based on Member Status

Contacts who have Member status (recommended)

Select this option when you want to include only those contacts who have achieved Member status. This filter ensures that your audience exclusively comprises individuals with active membership.

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Audiences

  2. Select Create an Audience

  3. Give the Audience a Name and Purpose (to help you identify it)

  4. Assign a location (optional)

  5. Choose Save Audience

  6. Select Add a Condition

  7. Select the Has Member Status condition

  8. Add condition

Once you create your Audience to use in your emails, you can now navigate to the Newsletters & Scheduled Emails section under the Marketing Center to create and schedule your email.

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