Roles and Compensation
Updated over a week ago

The Roles and Compensation feature serves to streamline the management of compensation for both employees and contractors within your system. This feature can be used alongside class, enrollment, and appointment pay rates, providing a comprehensive solution for effectively handling salary and time clock pay structures. If your studio provides different time clock rates, you can enter multiple roles. When your employee logs in, they get to pick the role, each with its unique time clock pay. The Roles and Compensation feature focuses on managing and customizing pay structures, time clock rates, and compensation details for employees and contractors. This feature operates independently and is not related to permission-level roles within the system.

Important Things to Know

  • Roles and compensation rates can not be edited retroactively. Only the current payroll period or future payroll periods can be edited.

  • Making a role default means the rate will always be auto-selected as default on the employee’s time clock.

  • You can't use a role name that's already been used in any of your roles—whether it's the default, active, or inactive.

Add a New Role

Roles are added from the Roles and Compensation table located in the Sensitive Info tab. Here you can easily add and edit roles for both employees and contractors, specifying rate types, effective dates, and compensation details. Once a role is created it can not be deleted, it can only be deactivated. You can delete roles that have future effective dates. However, if a role has a past effective date, you can't delete it; you can only make it inactive.

Follow these steps to add a new role:

  1. From the main navigation menu select Staff, then choose a staff member

  2. Select the Sensitive Info tab

  3. Choose Add a Role

Role Name: Name of role as it will appear on payroll and the time clock

Effective date: Date the pay is effective

Rate Type: Paid by the hour, Salary No Overtime, Salary Eligible for Overtime

Amount: Total amount of pay


For contractors, the only available Rate Type is 'Paid by the hour.' In the contractor profile, you'll find the Roles and Compensation section with an 'Add Role' button. However, the table will only appear once roles are added.

Time Clock Roles

Employees have the flexibility to choose their roles when clocking in, allowing for different compensation structures based on their assigned roles. This feature is particularly useful when employees may have different responsibilities or positions within the organization, each associated with a specific pay rate.

Salary Pay Roles

The system supports salary pay as one of the compensation options for roles. Salary pay is a fixed amount paid regularly, regardless of the number of hours worked. It is not an option.

Edit a Role

Changes made to these fields will only impact future pay periods. Any edits related to the effective rate will take effect after the current payroll period is complete. Past (retroactive) edits can not be made.

Follow these steps to edit a role:

  1. From the main navigation menu select Staff

  2. Choose a staff member

  3. Select the Sensitive Info tab

  4. Select the three dots to the far right of a role

  5. Select Edit

At the top of the pop-up the last edited time and date is noted. If the role has a pending change, there will be an arrow next to a role. Selecting the arrow will expand details to see when the role was last edited. This displays when the role was last edited, including the date, time, and the user who made the modifications.

Deleting and deactivating roles

Once deactivated, a role cannot be reactivated and a new role must be created. Roles with past effective dates can only be made inactive, they can not be deleted.

Viewing Payroll

Role totals can be found under the Time Clock or Salary section of Payroll, either based on hourly rates for hours worked or predetermined salaries for the specified pay period.

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