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Add and Schedule a New Class Type

This article walks you through how to add a new Class Type and how to add a schedule to a class type.

Updated yesterday

Part 1: Configure the Class Type

Step 1: Add Class Description and Details

  1. Select Classes from the Navigation Menu

  2. Choose Add New Class

  3. Set the class Subheadline (optional), Primary Category, and Subcategories (optional)

  4. Enter a Class Description (Dynamic text and customization is not supported)

Step 2: Set Class Requirements

Difficulty level and age requirements are only informational. They do not prevent the client from booking, unlike prerequisites.

  1. Level of Difficulty (optional): Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

  2. Age Requirement (optional): Min age to Max age

  3. Select What is this class good for? (optional)

Step 3: Choose Class Prerequisites

  1. Set and describe the class Prerequisites tags required to book the class

  2. Set the tags assigned upon check-in and/ or set the additional tags the client will be assigned when attending this class

  3. Add What to Bring to Class

  4. Select Save

If you'd like to assign the class to a location and schedule the class later. Or, choose Save and Add to a Location to continue class set-up. Or, if you selected Save and Add to a Location, select a location for the class. Multiple locations can be assigned to one class type and can be added later.

Step 4: Add Location Details

If you selected Save and Add to a Location, add Location Details that are specific to all classes scheduled at the location

  1. Assign eligible instructors. Adding eligible instructors puts specific instructors at the top of the list for easy access when scheduling classes while still being able to select any instructor at your studio.

Primary Class Details: Seen by customers when booking on the Widget or the Walla App.

Participant Details: Set expectations for your clients and include details such as age requirements, prerequisites, experience and difficulty level, and what to bring. The optional fields like class subtitles, subcategories, difficulty, help clients better find and determine class expectations before booking—and could increase bookings!

Step 5: Add Online Booking Rules

  1. Choose if the class is bookable by anyone, nobody, or members only

  2. Enter your booking windows for the class

    Booking window opens: The number of days prior to the start of the class a client can book.

    Booking window closes: The number of minutes a client can book up until the start of class.

  3. If your class has a waitlist, you can enable this here

  4. Enter the number of waitlists spots

  5. Choose if comps can waitlist classes

ℹ️ What does "comps" mean as it specifically pertains to the Class Type waitlist setting? "Comps" refers to plans that are priced at $0 under Plan Management and Comp Passes.

Step 6: Select Class Payment Options

  1. Select which plans can pay for the class and check the boxes next to each payment option

  2. If you have multiple locations you can select one or more locations

  3. Save

Part 2: Add Class Schedules

From the Class Schedule, you can add and manage all scheduled instances for one Class Type. Next, we'll walk through how to schedule a class. In our previous section, Select Class Payment Options, after Save is selected, you will be under the Schedule Tab for the Class Type.

Step 1: Set Class Days and Time

Follow these steps to add schedules to your Class Type:

  1. Select Add to Schedule

  2. Enter the date the class starts and the start time

  3. Choose if the class repeats weekly, once a month on a specific day, or if the class only happens once

  4. If your class repeats, choose an end date or do not select an end date

  5. Select the days of the week the class occurs

  6. Enter the duration, in minutes

  7. Select in-studio and/or livestream

Step 2: Configure Pricing

  1. Choose if your class has a drop-in price. If your class does not have a drop-in price, choose No thank you

  2. Select if your drop-in pricing is going to be defined in credits or dollars. You can enter different pricing for members and non-members. If a member has a plan that is set up to pay for the class, the default option when booking will always be to use their active plan and the member pricing will be a secondary option.

Step 3: Set Room and Capacity

  1. Select the room the class occurs in or if the class occurs at a specific address, choose custom address. When custom address is chosen, additional text fields will appear, allowing you to enter then choose an address from the drop-down. You must choose a generated Google address.

  2. Enter how many in-person spots are available and how many in-person spots can be booked online

Step 4: Assign Instructor and Client Visibility

  1. Assign an instructor and a pay rate for the class. You can add additional instructors to the class. Note that only the primary instructor's pay will be calculated on payroll and the instructor will not be listed as client facing on the widget or apps.

  2. Select if you want the class to be visible to the public

  3. Select Save

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