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Drop-in Pricing FAQ
Updated yesterday

In Walla, the setting up of drop-in pricing takes a distinct approach – it occurs during the class scheduling process. While this might take some time to get used to, it ultimately streamlines the experience by combining scheduling and pricing into a single step. This unique feature simplifies the process, eliminating the need for separate pricing management steps.

Setting $0 Price Carefully

  • Only set a $0 drop-in price if the class is meant to be free for everyone.

  • A $0 price means anyone can book the class without paying, so be sure this is what you intend.

  • If you want to charge for the class, always enter a price greater than $0.

Pricing for Members and Non-Members

  • You can set different prices for members and non-members.

  • If you want everyone to pay the same, enter the same amount in both the member and non-member fields.

  • This flexibility allows you to reward members with lower prices if you choose.

Free Classes for Members

  • If you put $0 in the member drop-in price field, members can take the class for free.

  • Members can also use their existing plan to book the class if their plan covers it.

  • Remember, the $0 price doesn't affect how plans work - it just means members can take the class without using their plan.

Discounted Prices for Members

  • To give members a discount, enter a lower price in the member field compared to the non-member field.

  • For example, you might charge members $15 and non-members $20 for the same class.

  • This can encourage people to become members or reward existing members.

Setting Up Drop-in Pricing

  • You set drop-in prices when you create or edit a class, not in the plan management section.

  • This is important because it affects how the system tracks and reports drop-ins.

  • Drop-ins set up this way will show correctly at checkout and in reports.

Handling Cancelled Drop-ins

  • If someone cancels a drop-in class, they get a refund or credit to their account.

  • Drop-ins don't stay on a client's account for future use.

  • This means you don't have to worry about tracking or managing unused drop-ins.

Pricing for Different Class Formats

  • You can set different prices for in-person and livestream versions of the same class.

  • For example, you might charge $18 for an in-person class and $15 for the livestream version.

  • This allows you to adjust pricing based on the value or costs associated with each format.

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