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Create an Appointment
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Add Rooms

In the appointment creation process you will need to assign a room to an appointment type. Adding rooms for appointments is the same as adding rooms for classes. You do not need to specify if a room can be used for an appointment or a class. Currently, there is not a way to choose if a room is for appointments or classes only. This means that rooms used for appointments will appear under room options when scheduling classes. Follow the below steps to add rooms for your appointments.

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Location

  2. Choose a location you’d like to add a room to

  3. Select the tab titled Rooms and choose + Add to create a new room

  4. Complete the Room Name, Capacity, and Notes fields

  5. Select Add to save

Keep in mind when a client books an appointment via the widget, a room is not automatically assigned.

Room capacity does not affect appointments and it only applies to classes. You will set the appointment capacity when creating an Appointment Type. Let’s say a room with the capacity of 40 is also used for an appointment with a capacity of 1, the appointment will still have the capacity of one.

Step 2: Add Location Details

  1. From the main navigation menu under Manage Services and Plans, select Appointments

  2. Choose + Add New Appointment

  3. Choose a Location the appointment takes place at

  4. Select Next

  5. Enter the Appointment name At this time, appointment names can not be edited once the appointment is created.

  6. Define the Duration

  7. Choose an appointment start time, also known as a schedule interval, from the drop-down

    Schedule Start Times: Determines the schedule start times for the appointment.

    For example, if you choose 15 minutes, the appointment will be available to book every 15 minutes starting with the first instructor's availability and ending on the last instructor's availability. If my booking timeslot is 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM and my booking schedule start time is set to every 15 minutes, then booking times will be:
    1:00 PM, 1:15 PM, and 1:45 PM

  8. Assign rooms this appointment type can take place in. You can not restrict an appointment type to a room or choose the room the order rooms are booked.

    Bookings made by clients: If only one room is provided on appointment setup, that room will be auto-assigned to the appointment if available.

    If more than one room is provided, the rooms will be checked to ensure at least one is available and if none available, the booking will not be allowed. However, rooms will NOT be auto-assigned and will need to be assigned by the front desk. It’s therefore important to assign rooms ASAP to avoid double bookings.

  9. Choose a Primary Category for your appointment. Primary categories are pre-set and are not customizable.

  10. Add a custom Sub Category

  11. Add a Description

  12. Add a minimum and/or maximum age requirement. Age requirements are not enforced and are for informative purposes only. They will not prevent a client from signing up for a class if the client does not meet the minimum or maximum requirement.

  13. If clients need to bring one or more items to the appointment, enter what your clients should bring to this appointment. You can use the preset items and enter your own

  14. Enter Max Attendees

    Max attendees: Refers to how many clients can be booked into the appointment at the same time. For individual private sessions, enter one. If two people can be booked into an appointment at the same time, enter two. To create a duo appointment/ two person semi-private, enter max attendees two.

  15. Select Save

Step 3: Add Appointment Details

  1. Enter your online booking rules to set who can book online. Choose between anyone, members only, or nobody.

  2. Determine the number of days, minutes, or hours the booking window opens. This is the amount of time prior to the start of the appointment a client can book an appointment.

    For example, if your booking window opens 14 days prior to the appointment, clients can start booking your appointment 14 days prior to the start of the appointment.

  3. Enter the number of days, minutes, or hours the booking window closes before the appointment. This is the amount of time prior to start of an appointment clients are no longer able to book.

    For example, if your booking window closes 30 minutes prior to the appointment, clients are will not be able to book 30 minutes or less prior to the appointment.

  4. Set if the appointment availability is in-studio or livestream.

  5. Under Standard Pricing, define your prices in Dollars or Credits

  6. You can set member pricing and non-member pricing

    Standard Price, Create Single Session Appointment Pricing: Standard pricing is the equivalent to drop-in pricing for classes. Just like drop-in pricing for classes appointment single session pricing is not created as a single appointment plan. The Standard Pricing entered here is the default single session pricing a client will pay unless you enter in different single session pricing for specific staff members. When you assign a staff member to an appointment type you will have the option to use Standard Pricing or you will have the option to enter pricing unique to specific staff when you assign staff to the appointment type at the end of the appointment creation process.

  7. If you do not want to allow clients to book the appointment online do not check the box Make visible to the public? If you’d like to allow clients to book the appointment, check the box.

  8. Select Save

Step 4: Add Payment Options

Select the plan(s) that can be used as payment for the appointment by selecting the Eligible Staff tab. Check the boxes next to the plans you would like to have pay for the appointment type. If you have not created appointment plans just yet you can do so after you create the new appointment type.

Step 5: Set Eligible Staff

  1. Select the Eligible Staff tab

  2. Choose Add staff to appointment and select a staff member

  3. Select a staff member from the drop-down.

    If you have not set staff member availability you will be prompted to do so. Availability is set at an all appointment level. For example, you can offer a time slot that is from 8:00am to 10:00am on Saturdays and all appointment types can be booking during that window.

Use Standard Pricing (check box): Uses the pricing entered under the Details section by default

Do not use Standard Pricing (do not check box): Set unique pricing for your staff member. This pricing will be unique to the Staff Member. Enter Member pricing and Non-member pricing here.

Pay Rate: Choose a pay rate from the drop-down. If a pay rate is not assigned to a staff member:

  1. Choose Link pay rate

  2. To add a new pay rate select Add a new pay rate. To learn more about appointment pay rates scroll to the section in this article called Appointment Pay Rates.

  3. Select the pay rate and Save

You will now see the staff member listed under Eligible Staff. If you’d like to add more eligible instructors, select Add staff to appointment and repeat the above steps

Step 6: Add Photos

Select the Media tab to add one or more photos that will be visible when clients book.

Step 7: Set Staff Appointment Availability

Appointment availability is set for all appointment types and is not set on an individual appointment type basis. When you enter appointment availability any type of appointment can be booked during the timeslot as long as the timeslot is as long as or longer than the appointment length.

  1. From the main navigation menu under Staff Center, select Staff

  2. Choose a staff member, then select their Appointment Availability tab

  3. Choose the edit pencil located on the top right corner of a day of week tile

  4. Select + Add a timeslot and enter a start and end time for the timeslot

  5. To add additional timeslots for the selected day, choose + Add a timeslot again

  6. Once timeslots have been added, choose Save

If the staff member is already teaching a class or an enrollment, you will not be warned that the staff member is already scheduled to teach during the time you are adding. However, when client booking on the widget is added, clients will not be able to book an appointment during a time they are instructing a class or enrollment.

What is a timeslot? A timeslot is a window of bookable time for an appointment

Timeslots must be scheduled on a day of week basis, there is not a way to add timeslots for more than one day of the week at a time. For example, if your staff is available Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM, you must select the edit pencil next to each day of the week and add timeslots to each individual day. Currently there is not a way to put in a start and end date for appointment availability.

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