Class Analysis Report
Updated over a week ago

This report provides detailed data for each of your class instances over a selected date range. The information reflected in this report corresponds with the Class Analysis tiles on the top of each class instance. This report shows revenue, profit, check-ins, and fill rate and allows you to use filters to drill down and determine which classes are generating the most revenue and drawing in the most clients.

About This Report

Information included on each of the columns includes the date the booking took place, class location, name of class, instructor, revenue, profit, check-ins, and fill rate. Filter by date, days of the week, class, location, and instructor. You can use the filters to make informed schedule changes, such as determining if you need to add more AM classes or add classes to certain days of the week.

Tiles at the top of the report include total classes, revenue per class, revenue per visit, total revenue, total profit, total check-ins and total unique visitors. The totals on the tiles at the top of the report will change when one or more filters are applied.

How Totals are Calculated

Total Classes

The total number of classes offered within the specified time frame.

Revenue per Class

The total revenue divided by the total number of classes within the specified time frame.

Revenue per Visit

The total revenue divided by the total number of check-ins.

Total Revenue

Total revenue is calculated by totaling the revenue from each checked-in client. Revenue from limited plans and unlimited plans is attributed revenue.

What is Attributed Revenue?

When a visit is paid for using a plan, the cost per visit (CPV) is calculated and attributed to the class “revenue”.

Drop-ins: The actual price paid for the class. If a drop-in was $25, then the attributed amount is $25.

Limited plans/packs and credits (e.g. 10 Pack): The cost of the plan divided by the number of visits it allows. If it's $50 for 10 visits, the revenue for this visit would be $5. Note that it doesn't matter how much of the pack is actually used, the revenue is based on what they paid per potential visit.

Unlimited and usage-based plans: We start by determining the number of visits per month. First, we confirm that the specific plan used has been in existence for at least 60 days. If it hasn't, we'll set the average number of visits to 5 until the plan has more history to enable us to gauge usage. This is to ensure a plan you might have just created and just started selling has enough time to be sold and used by your clients.

If the plan is older than 60 days, we now create a segment of clients who: 1) owned an active version of the plan on the class date, AND b) owned the plan for at least 30 days prior to the class date. In other words, the plan is currently active and they've had the ability to use the plan for the last 30 days. The visits/month will now be set to the average number of visits in the 30 days prior to the class for all clients in that segment.

Now that we have an average number of visits on that plan in the 30 days prior to the class, we take the actual amount the client paid for the plan on their billing cycle closest to but before the class data and divide by the average number of visits. So if the client paid $50 on their last plan payment* prior to the class and the average number of visits for that plan is 10, then we'll allocate $5 for that client to this class. If the client is on a trial or discounted rate, the calculate will reflect that discount.

Unique visitors: If a client has multiple visits within the selected time frame they will count as one unique visitor.

*If the plan payment is any period other than monthly, the amount is adjusted to reflect a monthly value. For example, an annual payment will be divided by 12 to arrive at a cost per month.

Total Profit

For each class taught, profitability is the total revenue of that class minus any associated payroll cost for that class based on Payrate settings.

Total Check-Ins

Total clients currently checked-in. A client can be added to the class after the class occurred, checked-in, and they will be counted towards the report totals.

Unique Visitors

If a client takes more than one class during the selected date range, they are counted as one unique visitor. For example, if my date filter was October 1st to October 7th, and a client is checked in on three different rosters for three different classes over the selected period, they will count as one unique visitor.

Class Analysis CSV Export

The CSV export for this report includes: Class ID, Date, Start Time, Location, Class, Instructor, Revenue, Profit, In-Person Check Ins, Livestream Check Ins, and Fill Rate. Use this exported data to create your own reports to analyze trends!

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