Instructor Stats
Updated over a week ago

Instructor Stats provide data that can help you understand your instructor's performance and deep dive into key metrics. Below you will find a brief description of the data points you can find on the Instructor Stats page.

The Instructor Stats page has the following sections: Client Retention, Demand, Popularity, Reliability, and Profitability.

Instructor Stats can be accessed two ways:

  • By selecting an instructor’s name on the Teacher Ranking Report

  • From the See All Instructor Stats link found under the Stats tab on a staff member’s profile

How to Use This Data

  • Drill down and view stats for just one instructor.

Client Retention


Filter by in-person and livestream rosters. Stats in green indicate the instructor’s stat is higher than the studio’s average.

Average number of clients per class: The average number of checked-in clients per class based on all classes taught by a particular instructor over a selected period. Average clients per class for an instructor is calculated by taking the total number of all checked-in clients for all classes taught by the instructor during the selected period divided by the number of classes taught by the instructor.

Average fill rate: Average fill rate is determined by taking the total number of checked-in clients divided by the total capacity.

Total attendees: Total number of checked-in clients for the selected period.


This graph looks at all clients who took a class with the instructor over the selected period and determines how many clients returned and did not return to the same instructor over the selected period. This includes all visits and is not limited to just first visits. Only checked-in (completed) visits are considered. Future bookings within the current period are not.

1 visit: Clients who took one class with the instructor and did not return again to the same instructor during the selected period.

2 visits: Clients who took one class with the instructor and returned only once to the same instructor during the selected period.

3 or more: Clients who took three or more classes with the instructor during the selected period.

Unique clients: The number of clients who made bookings over the selected period. A client can make more than one booking but they are counted as one towards the unique client count.

The total number of visits for each visit category on the chart can be viewed by placing your cursor over the chart:


Reliability looks at the number of classes an instructor is scheduled to teach and the number of classes actually taught. Classes an instructor substitutes for another instructor are not included in this ratio.

If an instructor is originally scheduled to teach 10 classes, teaches all 10 classes, and substitutes one additional class for an instructor, the instructor’s ratio will read as 10/10 not 11/10 or 11/11.

If an instructor is originally scheduled to teach 5 classes and finds a substitute for one of the 5 classes, then their ratio will read 4/5.


The profitability section is divided into two sections: Total and Average.

Total Revenue: The revenue of all classes taught by the instructor over the selected period is totaled to determine Total Revenue.

Total Pay: Total pay for the instructor for the selected period as reflected in payroll.

Net: Total Revenue minus Total Pay.

Average Revenue per Class: Average revenue per class over the selected period. The average generated by each class taught by an instructor is calculated by summing together the total revenue for each class instance the instructor taught over the selected period. This total is then divided by the number of classes the instructor taught in the selected time period to determine the average revenue per class.

Average Pay per Class: Average pay per class over the selected period. The instructors total pay over the selected period is divided by the number of classes the instructor taught in the selected time period.

Average Net: Average Revenue per Class minus Average Net

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