Guest Passes FAQ
Updated over a week ago

☝️Important Things to Know When Booking a Guest

When using a guest pass to book a guest, the client's plan must be set up to pay for the class. Classes that are not covered by the client's own plan can not be used to book using the client's issued guest passes.

If a plan pays only for virtual classes and is issued guest passes, then the guest pass cannot be used to book in-person classes, only livestream classes.

The guest pass used to book the class must be from the same plan used by the client for the class.

There is no limit to how many guests a client can bring.

  • If a plan is pending and the client wants to bring a guest, the client must wait until the plan is out of the pending state to use the guest passes.

  • What a client uses their issued guest pass to book a guest, it will appear as Guest pass via on the class roster.

  • If a late cancel or no-show fee applies, then the client not the guest will be charged the fee.

  • Guest passes are only valid in the current billing cycle. For example, if a client's monthly plan bills on the first of each month and the client or front desk attempts to book the guest into a class that occurs during the next cycle, the guest pass can not be used. Upon booking you will receive the message, "your pass or credits expire before the class starts."

  • There is not a way to limit which classes guest passes pay for.

  • Under Payroll settings, you can choose if a guest pass counts or does not count towards payroll head count.

  • You can not edit the expiration date of the guest pass once added to a client's plan.

  • Guest passes can be used on the Walla App, widget, and Front Desk (in-studio).

  • If a client's first visit is booked using a guest past the client will still be eligible for an Intro Offer.

  • Guest passes can be added and deducted from a plan.

  • Guest passes provided as a perk through recurring plans renew each month the day the plan was purchased (for example if purchased 1/15 renewal occurs 2/15, 3/15, etc).

  • Staff can cancel the parent booking and the guest booking will remain.

  • The client bringing the guest or the guest can cancel the guest booking from their schedules.

  • The client must book themselves into the class and then book guests.

  • Clients are not required to cancel all guests bookings first before canceling their own reservation. In other words, they can cancel themselves and the guest booking will remain on the roster.

  • Clients booking into the Waitlist are able to book Guests into the same Waitlist.

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