Create an All Clients Audience
Updated over a week ago

Create an Audience that includes All Clients (Not recommended)
Use the "Record Creation Date" filter to locate contacts based on when they were added to your contacts list. To capture everyone, including migrated clients who were added during your migration to Walla if you came from a previous platform.

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Audiences

  2. Select Create an Audience

  3. Give the Audience a Name and Purpose (to help you identify it)

  4. Assign a location (optional)

  5. Choose Save Audience

  6. Select Add a Condition

  7. Choose the Record Creation Date condition

  8. Add within the last 365 days for 1 year, 730 days for 2 years, or 1825 for 5 years

  9. Add condition

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