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Schedule Another Occurrence of an Enrollment
Updated over a week ago

If you have an enrollment that will be multiple days of the week (for example, a yoga teacher training that is on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday), follow the steps below once you have scheduled the initial dates:

  1. Select Manage Enrollments and choose Go

  2. Under the enrollment, select Manage Calendar to add days

  3. Choose Add to Calendar

  4. Add start date, time, and duration (duration will be in minutes, not hours)

  5. Select how often to repeat (weekly, monthly, every day, or custom)

  6. Add end date

  7. Choose a room

  8. Select Save

You will need to add each day separately by following the above steps for each day you want to add. Once all the fields are filled in, you can save your details, and the enrollment will automatically be scheduled and appear on your enrollment calendar and the master studio schedule.

And once an enrollment takes place, all past enrollments and master details will become inactive and be saved under the manage screen until you either schedule a new date or choose to archive the enrollment. Any updates made to your active enrollments post-scheduling will be updated in real-time to the schedule views, your client-facing site—and your Walla account.

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