Walla Subscription Exit
Updated over a week ago

Initiate Your Subscription Exit

Below you can find a list of required actions that need to take place to officially initiate your exit, manage your Walla subscription cancelation, and wrap up your time with us.

Walla Subscription Exit Initiation Checklist

☐ Notify Support of Your Departure

☐ Confirm Your Final Billing Date

☐ Confirm Your Date of Final Site Access

☐ Initiate Your Credit Card Migration

☐ Maintain Communication with Support

☐ Departure Final Check-in

Notify Support of Your Departure

Send an email to support@hellowalla.com to let us know about your cancelation.

You are required to give us a minimum of 30 days notice prior to your cancelation date.

Let us know if you are migrating to a new platform, closing your doors, or if it is something else.

Confirm Your Final Billing Date

Your next billing date will be confirmed based on the 30 days notice.

A member of Walla support will send an email to billing@hellowalla.com to confirm your last payment date and to determine if you are out of contract.

Confirm Your Date of Final Site Access

You will have 30 days after your final billing date to have access to your Walla site.

Your client data is kept 30 days after the last day of your site access.

Once you’ve informed support of your departure, confirmed your last billing date with billing, and coordinate your credit card migration (if applicable).

Initiate Your Credit Card Migration

If you are migrating to another platform, we will need to know if you need credit card data migrated to another platform and you will need to inform support.

Support will send an email to data migrations who will coordinate with your new payment processor. A team team member from data migrations will manage your credit card migration.

Migrating credit card information is free of charge. Exporting all other data is your responsibility unless you pay for the Data Export Service.

Maintain Communication with Support

Walla Support will create a Walla Exit Ticket where all communications for your transition process will take place.

Next steps are to export your data and close down your site.

☝️ You are responsible for all site closure activities which include and are not limited to canceling client plans, exporting reports and essential data, and canceling classes.

Close Down Your Site

We put together a general list of action items for you to follow as you make your transition. Keep in mind that we may have not included everything you need to do.

Closing Down Your Site Checklist

☐ Cancel Classes to Disallow Online Booking and Drop-in Purchases

☐ Remove Appointments from Being Bookable and Purchased Online

☐ Remove Enrollments from Being Bookable and Purchased Online

☐ Prevent New Plan Purchases

☐ Turn Off Client Communications

☐ Stop Recurring Plan Payments

☐ Turn Off Marketing Automations and Journeys

☐ Turn Off Integrations

☐ Turn Off Branded App

☐ Turn Off Walla Websites

☐ Remove Widgets from Your Website

☐ Export Your Data

✔️ Remove Widgets from Your Website

Removing your widgets from your website is not enough to disallow online purchases and bookings because clients can still access the Walla App and they may have a link to a widget bookmarked. You remove services from being booked and purchased online. We’ve included suggested steps on how to turn off online bookings and purchases.

✔️ Cancel Classes to Disallow Online Booking and Drop-in Purchases

Remember, drop-ins are tied to class schedules and are not created as separate plans. So as long as you have bookable classes on the schedule and allow drop-ins for the classes, then clients can purchase drop-ins. To disallow booking and not allow drop-in purchases you must either cancel future schedules or uncheck Visible to public (which allows online booking). There are multiple options on how to manage this as you exit Walla.

Option 1: Turn off client class booking after a specific date

The date you would like clients to not be able to book classes. You will go to each of your classes under Class management, select a date on the schedule, and select Cancel or Delete All from the specified date forward. Repeat for each class.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Classes

  2. Select Go on a class tile

  3. Select the Schedule tab

  4. Choose a class instance on the schedule

  5. Select Manage Schedule

  6. Select Cancel All

  7. Change the date by Cancel classes starting on... to cancel classes from a specific date forward

  8. Save

Option 2: To cancel a class type immediately

Deactivating a class will cancel a specific class type immediately from the current date forward. This will also cancel all future bookings and refund clients.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Classes

  2. Select the three dots on the top right of a class tile

  3. Choose Deactivate

  4. Save

Option 3: Remove online booking but do not cancel or delete the class schedule

You can remove online booking by going to the class schedule and selecting a class instance, edit all future instances, and uncheck Visible to the Public.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Classes

  2. Select Go on a class tile

  3. Select the Schedule tab

  4. Choose a class instance on the schedule

  5. Select Manage Schedule

  6. Select Edit All

  7. Choose Change all other settings

  8. Scroll down and uncheck Visible to the Public

  9. Save

✔️ Remove Appointments from Being Bookable and Purchased Online

Similar to classes, appointment single session pricing is tied together to appointment booking. You will want to uncheck Visible to public? under Booking Settings to prevent clients from booking appointments and purchasing appointment single session pricing.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Appointments

  2. Choose the three dots on the far right of an appointment

  3. Select Edit

  4. Scroll down to the section titled Booking Settings

  5. Select Edit

  6. Uncheck Visible to public?

  7. Save

  8. Repeat until all appointments are not visible to the public

✔️ Remove Enrollments from Being Bookable and Purchased Online

Enrollment booking and enrollment pricing is also tied together. You must remove the enrollment from being bookable online to prevent clients from booking and purchasing an enrollment.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Enrollments

  2. Choose the three dots on the far right of an Enrollment

  3. Select Edit

  4. Select the three dots on the top right of an enrollment tile schedule

  5. Choose Cancel

  6. After canceling all schedules select Enrollments from the main navigation menu

  7. On the top right corner of the tile of the enrollment select Deactivate

  8. Save

✔️ Prevent New Plan Purchases

Remove plans from being listed online and remove client purchasing capabilities

Your must turn off online booking under plan management. You can do this under Plan management and repeat for each plan.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Plan Management

  2. Select List view

  3. Choose a Plan

  4. Uncheck List online

  5. Save

  6. Repeat until all plans do not have List online checked

✔️ Turn Off Client Communications

Turn off emails and texts

Go to Transactional notifications and uncheck all text/sms boxes on the date you want to disable client communications.

  1. Select your profile icon

  2. Choose Transactional Notifications

  3. Uncheck Email and SMS checkboxes

  4. Save

✔️ Stop Recurring Plan Payments

If you are turning off recurring charges before Walla access is turned off, we suggest turning off the following Transactional Notifications on the date recurring payments in Stripe are turned off:

  • Plans: Sent when a payment will be processed for a recurring charge plan.

  • Purchases: Sent when an automated recurring charge for a plan is made to the client's account.

We do not cancel all plans for you. If you want plans canceled you must cancel them yourself. Optionally, you can have our development team extend all client billing dates.

Cancel Each Client Plan Individually

You can cancel plans directly from the client profile. You will need to go into each client profile and cancel their plan.

  1. Search the client’s name and navigate to their profile

  2. From the client’s profile select the Overview Tab

  3. Select the three dots on the top right of the plan tile

  4. Choose cancel

  5. Complete the plan cancelation

  6. Repeat for each client

Ask for Walla Support to Extend All Client’s Next Upcoming Billing Date Indefinitely

Optionally, you can have our development team adjust the client’s next billing date indefinitely. We will need at least two weeks notice to complete this for you. For recurring plans we can take the client’s next payment date and extend it indefinitely, recurring billing and cancel plans on a specified date for you but we do not put individual cancellations in place on your client plans. It is important to note that clients will still be able to book on or after the date. If you want to prevent client bookings after a specified date, you will need to go into each plan and cancel the plan. This is something you must ask Walla Support to do for you and it requires a minimum two weeks notice.

✔️ Turn Off Marketing Automations and Journeys

Turn off Marketing Center automations by turning off the master toggle for each Journey.

✔️ Turn Off Integrations

To cancel Integrations subscriptions, you'll need to cancel each integration individually since we can't do this on your behalf.

✔️ Turn Off Branded App

Also, if you're ending your Walla Branded mobile app, be sure to separately cancel your developer account with Apple and coordinate the cancelation of your Branded App with support.

✔️ Turn Off Walla Websites

Since your domain was purchased elsewhere and is something you provide to us during the website build process, we do not own your domain. So, it is up to you to update their domain records on your new domain provider. We just need to know when you make the transfer so we can un-publish your website. You will need to provide Walla Support with the date you would like us to un-publish your website. As an alternative option, if you’d like to continue to pay for your Walla built website but discontinue all other Walla services, please let the support team know to discuss pricing.

Export Your Data

You are responsible for exporting data from Walla. Optionally, we offer a paid for data export service.

Suggested Reports to Export

Prior to canceling Walla, be sure to check these recommended reports. However, since every business is different, make sure to export any additional reports you think you might need. These are just suggestions.

  • Payroll

  • Sales Cash Basis

  • Retail

  • Payouts

  • Transactions Export

  • Gift Card Sales

  • Account Balances

Export a Client List

Export your client list by following these steps. This client list also includes their opt-in status.

  1. From the main navigation menu select Contacts

  2. Choose Actions

  3. Select Export All

Departure Check-in

Send a final message to Walla Support shortly before your final day make sure we know you are all set. If you do not send us a message we will reach out to you. We want to make sure we see you off into the sunset. 🌅 Don't forget to keep an eye on your inbox!

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