Recurring Plan Payments Report
Updated over a week ago

This report provides valuable insights into your studio's current and future cash flow related to both unlimited and limited schedule-based recurring plans. Usage-based plans, which lack a set payment date, are not included in this report and enrollment payments are not included in this report.

πŸ”’ Permissions required: Reports > Recurring Plan Payments

Report Filters

Date Range Filter: Filter the report by predefined options such as This Month, Last Month, Next Month, or select a Custom range limited to 90 days.

Location Dropdown: All available locations are listed in the dropdown menu, with inactive locations accessible based on permissions.

Toggle for Upcoming Payments: Users can toggle to view only upcoming payments within the selected period, with all payments displayed by default.

Report Card Tiles

Total Card: This section summarizes the total payments due within the selected date range, inclusive of taxes.

Payment Status Card: Payments are categorized based on their status, including Paid, Failed, and Upcoming/Pending.

Report Columns

Exact Payment Dates: Users can view the precise dates on which payments are due.

Client name: Includes name of client with link out to the client profile.

Payment Amounts (Tax Included): The report displays the total payment amount, inclusive of taxes.

Plan & Plan Type: Details regarding the subscribed plan and its type are listed for reference.

Paused Amount (If Applicable): If a plan is currently paused, the paused amount is indicated.

Plan End Date Highlighting: If a plan is set to end within the selected date range, the corresponding date will be highlighted in red for easy identification.

Payment Status: The status of each payment is clearly indicated as either Paid, Failed, and Upcoming/Pending.

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