Plan Gain/Loss Report
Updated over a week ago

This report allows you to manage and track all plans. Filter this report by selected plans or only by plans that grant member status to keep a pulse on your businesses.

Plan Gain/Loss Graph

View total plans to date. Total plans include new plans, paused, and returning. The percentage compares the to date plan count to the total plan count 30 days prior.

Filter by New since last month, Returning plans, Paused plans, Expired and Canceled.

Plan statuses are measured on the last day of the month and are compared to the last day of the previous month.

Drill down report data by selecting the checkbox Show only plans that currently grant member status to display only plans that currently grant clients a member status or filter the report by plan status,

New since last month: New plans sold in the selected month.
โ€‹Returning plans: Plans active in the prior month (not new).
โ€‹Paused: Plans currently paused
โ€‹Expired (completed): Plans that expired or completed all sessions during the month
โ€‹Canceled: Canceled plans (Scheduled cancellations not counted as part of canceled)

Filter by location, select a custom date range, and filter by select plans:

Hover your cursor over a bar on the graph to see the total count for each of the above categories.

Report Detail

Select a bar on the graph to see a list of new, paused, expired/ completed, and canceled plans for the selected month.

Use the Plan Type filter to display only specific types of plans: Intro Offers, Limited/Unlimited, Credit Bundles, VOD, and Comp Passes.

Report Calculations Explained

Where are the numbers in each category pulled from?

Numbers represent the number of plans in their current status. Statuses are measured on the last day of the month and are compared to the last day of the previous month.

The current month totals are pulled from the status of plans as of todayโ€™s date. For example, if the current date is 8/10, then the month totals are pulled from August 1 to the 10th.

How are paused plans calculated?

Since the totals for each month are calculated on the last day of each month, a plan will count towards the paused total if the plan is paused on the last day of the month.
โ€‹Example: If the current month is June and a plan is paused on 5/5 and the plan is resumed on 6/5, then the plan will be counted as a returning plan for the month of May and will be considered a paused plan for June's totals.

Example: If I pause a plan within the same month, the plan would be counted as a returned plan. If a plan is paused on 5/3 and resumes on 5/19, then the plan be considered as a returning plan on May 31st.

Your plans that grant member status total may be different than your active member total on your Dashboard because a client can have more than one plan that grants a membership status. For example, we can have one member but they can have multiple plans that grant member status. This client would count as one member towards the Dashboard and as two plans on your Plan Gain/Loss Report.


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