Book a Class Waitlist Spot
Updated over a week ago

Follow these steps to book a waitlist spot on a studio's website via the Class Schedule widget. Waitlists can only be booked for classes and can not be booked for enrollments or appointments.

โ˜๏ธ All waitlist spots must be paid for and can not be booked as unpaid

Book a Waitlist Spot on the Widget

  1. Log in to the Class Schedule widget

  2. Select the book button next to a class. If total spots remaining is not displayed per the class widget settings then a message indicating that the class is full will appear and it will prompt you to join the waitlist.

  3. Select the Join Waitlist button to secure a waitlist spot

Book a Waitlist Spot on the Walla App

  1. Log in to the Walla App

  2. Navigate to Schedule

  3. Select the Waitlist button which replaces the booking button for classes that are currently full

  4. After selecting the Waitlist button, you'll be automatically added to the waitlist for the selected class.

Check Waitlist Position

Using the Widget

  1. Log in to any widget

  2. Select the navigation menu

  3. Select My Schedule to view position on the waitlist

Using the App

  1. Log in to the Walla App

  2. From the Home tab look for a section labeled Your Upcoming Visits

  3. Waitlist positions for each class are indicated here

Waitlist Notifications

If a spot becomes available and a client moves from the waitlist to a full booking, the Waitlist notification Transactional Notification must be enabled in order for a client to receive a text or email.

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