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Day Before First Visit Prep
Day Before First Visit Prep
Updated over a week ago

This journey is made to get your clients excited for their first class and let them know what to expect.

Welcome! We can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

Email Template #1 Pilates

Email body

Hello and Welcome [client name]!

Before you step through our doors, we wanted to provide you with some essential information to ensure you have a smooth and invigorating experience:

  1. Arrival Time: Please arrive 10-15 minutes before your scheduled class time. This will allow you to check-in, meet your fellow Pilates enthusiasts, and have a brief chat with our skilled instructors.

  2. What to Wear: Comfort is key! We recommend wearing form-fitting workout attire that allows you to move freely. Socks with grips are required for hygiene and safety, and we have some stylish ones available for purchase at the studio if needed.

  3. Stay Hydrated: Don't forget to bring a water bottle to keep yourself hydrated during the session. Our studio also has a water station for refills.

  4. First-Timer Tips: If you're new to Pilates, don't worry! Our instructors are experts at guiding beginners through the exercises, ensuring you feel confident and at ease throughout the class. Listen to your body, and remember that progress is all about embracing the journey.

  5. Parking and Directions: Attached to this email, you will find a map with our studio's location and nearby parking options. If you have any trouble finding us, feel free to give us a call, and we'll be more than happy to assist you.

  6. Amenities: Our studio is equipped with changing rooms, lockers, and showers for your convenience. Please feel free to make use of these facilities before and after your session.

  7. Special Offer: As a token of our excitement to have you on board, we have a special surprise for you! During your first week with us, you can enjoy an exclusive 10% discount on our class packages. This is the perfect opportunity to explore different class styles and discover what works best for you.

Be prepared to engage your core, connect with your breath, and leave each session feeling energized and rejuvenated.

Email Template #2 Yoga

Email body

"Hey there, [Client Name]! Welcome!

We are thrilled to know that you'll be stepping into our tranquil sanctuary tomorrow for your first-ever visit. Get ready to embark on a delightful journey towards inner peace, flexibility, and well-being!

Before you arrive, we wanted to share a few helpful details to make your experience truly unforgettable:

  1. Arrival Time: Kindly plan to arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled session. This will allow you to settle in, find your perfect spot, and immerse yourself in the serene ambiance of our studio.

  2. What to Bring: All you need to bring with you is an open heart and a positive attitude. We provide yoga mats, blocks, and props to ensure you have a comfortable practice. However, if you prefer to use your own mat, feel free to bring it along!

  3. Dress Comfortably: Wear clothing that allows you to move freely and stay comfortable throughout the session. Breathable fabrics are ideal, and don't forget your water bottle to stay hydrated.

  4. Preparing for Your Practice: If you're new to yoga, don't worry at all! Our expert instructors are dedicated to guiding you through every step of your yoga journey, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned practitioner.

  5. Let Go & Relax: Our studio is a judgment-free zone where you can truly unwind and reconnect with yourself. Leave any worries or stresses at the door, and embrace this time for yourself.

  6. Post-Yoga Experience: After your class, take some time to relax in our cozy lounge area. We have herbal teas and fresh fruits for you to savor as you bask in the afterglow of your practice.

  7. Upcoming Events: Be sure to check our schedule for any exciting workshops or special events. We regularly host inspiring sessions that can further deepen your yoga journey.

Remember, yoga is not just a physical practice, but a transformational experience that extends beyond the mat. Our vibrant community is here to support and uplift you every step of the way!

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at [Contact Number] or via email at [Contact Email]. We're here to ensure your experience with us is nothing short of extraordinary.

Get ready to awaken your spirit, nourish your soul, and embrace the magic of yoga. We can't wait to meet you and share this incredible journey together.

Email Template #3 General

Email body

Dear [Client's Name],

We are thrilled to welcome you to [Studio Name]! As your first visit is just one day away, we want to ensure you have all the information you need for an extraordinary experience.

Before you arrive, here are a few tips to make the most of your first day:

Dress Comfortably: Wear workout clothes and appropriate footwear to maximize your comfort during the session.

Stay Hydrated: Remember to drink plenty of water before and after your workout to stay energized and hydrated.

Arrive 15 Minutes Early: Arriving a little early allows us to introduce you to our facilities and answer any questions you may have.

Bring a Positive Attitude: Embrace the challenge and have fun! Our community is all about supporting each other.

Be Ready to Sweat: Expect an invigorating workout that will leave you feeling accomplished and motivated.

We are thrilled to have you join our fitness family. If you need assistance, feel free to contact us at [Contact Number] or [Email Address].

Get ready to crush your fitness goals with us! See you soon!

Email Template #4 Barre

Email body

Hello [Client's Name],

Hooray! Tomorrow marks the beginning of your incredible journey with us at [Studio Name]! We couldn't be more excited to welcome you into our warm and supportive barre community! 🎉

Here are a few tips to make your first visit to our fitness haven truly memorable:

Dress for Comfort & Style: Slip into your favorite workout attire that allows you to flow effortlessly through our signature moves.

Hydration is Vital: Keep that water bottle close by, as we flow and sweat together. Hydrating is a key ingredient for a successful barre experience!

Arrive Early, Stay Longer: Come 15 minutes ahead of time to meet your passionate instructors and fellow barre enthusiasts. We love creating connections that last!

Embrace Your Journey: Whether you're a seasoned barre enthusiast or a first-timer, know that each movement is a step toward your personal growth and strength. Embrace the process with a smile!

Positive Energy Zone: Our studio thrives on positivity, kindness, and encouragement!

If you have any questions, pre-class jitters, or simply want to share your excitement, feel free to call us at [Contact Number] or drop us an email at [Email Address]. We're here to make your [Studio Name] experience nothing short of exceptional!

Can't wait to see you!

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