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How to accommodate Room & Studio Rentals in Walla
How to accommodate Room & Studio Rentals in Walla
Updated over a week ago

If you offer have studio or room rentals, Walla’s Appointment functionality allows you to facilitate these rentals and collect payment on a regular basis. In this guide, we will walk you through the setup steps required. Let's get started!

Step 1. Adding a Staff Person for Room or Studio Rentals

To begin, you'll need to add a staff person specifically designated for room or studio rentals. Follow these steps:
- Access your demo site or administrative panel.
- Create a new staff profile and provide relevant information about the studio or room. Note that this information is not publicly visible unless you choose to make it so.
- We recommend adding appointment availability for the staff person to avoid manual overrides. For example, set generic availability from 9 AM to 6 PM every day, or adjust it to your specific rental hours.

Step 2. Creating Appointment Types for Room Rentals

Next, you'll need to set up appointment types that cater to room rentals. Depending on your rental setup, follow these instructions:
- If you rent out rooms on an hourly basis, create a single appointment type to cover this scenario.
- If you have different setups for room or studio rentals (e.g., four hours at a time), create appointment types to accommodate these variations.
- For each appointment type, specify the location, duration (e.g., 60 minutes), default room (if applicable), category (e.g., "Other"), and a brief description (e.g., "Room Rental").
- Optional settings can be left blank, unless there are specific requirements.
- Determine the number of attendees allowed for the room rental. Typically, one attendee is sufficient for most studio rentals. However, you can adjust this based on your business needs.
- Decide whether to enable online booking or keep it restricted to in-person bookings only.
- Set the standard price for the appointment type. This is the amount the renter will be charged. Make sure to specify the price accordingly.
- If you prefer to keep the room rental information hidden from the public, deselect the "Make visible to the public" option.
- Save the appointment type settings.

Step 3. Configuring Eligible Staff and Pay Rate

Once the appointment type is created, you need to configure the eligible staff and associate the appropriate pay rate. Follow these steps:
- Access the appointment type settings.
- Assign the staff person you created for room or studio rentals as the eligible staff for this appointment type.
- Link the appropriate pay rate to the staff person, even though they won't actually receive payment.
- Save the settings.

Step 4. Scheduling the Room Rental

With the appointment type and staff settings in place, you can now schedule the room rental for your clients. Here's how:
- Access the appointment schedule section.
- Locate the studio rental staff person and check their availability.
- Search for the client who wishes to rent the space.
- Choose the studio rental staff person as the service provider for this appointment.
- Select the relevant appointment type for the one-hour room rental.
- Specify the desired date and time, along with the room (if applicable).
- Proceed to the appointment checkout screen.
- Depending on your setup, you can collect payment upfront or choose to settle it later.
- Complete the checkout process, ensuring you receive the necessary payment for the room rental.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage room rentals within the Walla appointment feature. Feel free to customize appointment types for different renters or specific rental scenarios. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Support team via email at We're here to help you navigate this process successfully!

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