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How to accommodate limited plan sharing with another client
How to accommodate limited plan sharing with another client
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will guide you on how to accommodate plan sharing between two clients in your Walla site. Currently, Walla does not have built-in functionality to allow clients to use their passes or sessions from a limited plan to pay for another client or bring a friend. Here are a couple of options to facilitate plan sharing between two clients in your Walla site.

Option 1: Using Comp Passes

One way to enable plan sharing is by utilizing comp passes. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Determine the client who holds the plan. For example, let's say the plan holder is Chandler and he has seven passes left on his 10-class pack.

  2. Add Chandler to the desired class using one of his passes.

  3. Identify Chandler's friend who he wants to share one of those passes with. Let's call him Joey.

  4. Award a comp pass to Joey, specifying the reason as "Plan sharing with Chandler" and the date of sharing (e.g., May 8th).

  5. If you want to divide the plan evenly between two people, issue a number of comp passes equal to half the total passes in the original plan. For a 10-pack, issue five comp passes.

  6. You can set the expiration date of the comp passes to match the original plan holder's expiration date.

  7. Book Joey into the class using the awarded comp pass.

  8. Deduct the pass from Chandler's account by locating the plan, clicking the three dots, and selecting "Deduct Passes." Specify the details (e.g., shared with Joey on May 8th and one pass).

Option 2: Sharing with Friends or Guests

Another approach is to allow a client to book for themselves and their friends. Follow these steps:

  1. Deduct the required number of passes from the client's account. For example, Chandler wants to bring friends along, so deduct two passes from his remaining count.

  2. Specify the reason as "Sharing with friends or guests" when deducting the passes.

  3. Issue guest passes equivalent to the deducted number (e.g., two guest passes). Set an expiration date for the guest passes (e.g., end of May).

  4. Chandler now has the remaining passes (e.g., three) and the guest passes (e.g., two).

  5. When Chandler books a class for themselves, they can use either their own pass or one of the guest passes.

  6. Ensure that customers understand how to book using guest passes. Provide clear instructions in your support center.

Considerations and Recommendations

  • Plan sharing requires some manual work and tracking. Be prepared for additional administration.

  • If you don't currently offer plan sharing during onboarding or it is not a viable option for your business, discontinuing it might be a consideration.

If you have any questions or need assistance with plan sharing or any other use case, please don't hesitate to reach out to us using the support icon in the lower right hand corner of your Walla site.

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