No Shows and Late Cancels
Updated over a week ago


In this training session, we'll discuss late cancel and no-show fees in your business management system. If your business has implemented late cancel and no-show fee automation, you can configure the settings under the location and policies tabs.

Late Cancel and No-Show Policies

We have separated late cancel and no-show settings and further differentiated between unlimited and limited policies. Limited policies are suitable for plans with a fixed number of sessions, while unlimited policies apply to monthly or annual memberships without session limitations.

Editing Penalties

You can edit penalties within a 24-hour window after the class starts. If a client contacts you with a valid reason, you can choose to forgive the fee. To do this, click the three dots next to the pending penalty and select "Edit Penalty."

Returning Sessions for Limited Plans

For clients with limited plans, such as a 10-class card, you can return the session by checking the box that says "Return the session for your credits used to pay for this class."

Unlimited Policy

For clients with unlimited policies, like a monthly unlimited membership, the option to return the session doesn't apply. You can still edit the penalty but might opt not to apply the fee.

Guest Passes

If your business uses guest passes, it's essential to know that late cancels or no-shows by guests are the responsibility of the referring client, the person who brought the guest. If you decide to apply a fee, it will be charged to the referring client.

Pending Penalties

Penalties can be pending or already canceled. If left pending, they will be charged according to your business rules. You can review all late cancels and no-shows in the late cancel no-show report, which provides a comprehensive overview of these instances over a given time period.

Class Pass and Gym Pass Fees

Class pass and gym pass fees are managed separately through their respective systems.

This breakdown should help you manage late cancel and no-show fees effectively. If you have questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy managing!


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