Class No-Show Late Cancel Report
Updated over a week ago

Easily manage class no-shows and late cancellations all in one convenient place with the No-Show/Late Cancel report. This powerful tool not only helps you track penalties and fees but also allows you to take direct action from within the report, simplifying the process for you.

No-Show/ Late Cancel Report Overview

Manage class no-shows and late cancellations all in one place with the No-Show/Late Cancel report. This report helps you take action directly from it, making it simple to handle penalties and fees. Use the report's date filters allow you to view results over a pre-set period or over a custom timeframe. No-show and late cancel fees are for both in-person and livestream classes. Enrollment and appointment fees are not included on this report.

Location filters

Choose a location to view cancelations and no-shows at All Locations, choose a specific location, or choose Virtual to display only livestream classes.

Statuses Explained

It is important to note that if a fee payment fails when attempted to be charged to a credit card, it goes to the account balance and will reflects a "paid" status in the report. When managing fee payments and penalties, it's important to understand the different statuses that may appear in reports. Filter by Account Balance, Pending, Paid, ClassPass, GymPass, Refunded, Waived.

Account balance: If the penalty was charged against the client’s account balance

Pending: Fees that have not currently gone through but are in the pending state 24 hours or less after class

Paid: Penalties paid with credit card

ClassPass: Late cancelations/ no-shows made by ClassPass bookings

GymPass: Late cancelations/ no-shows made by GymPass bookings

Refunded: Policy refunded after being processed 24 hours or more after class

Waived: Policy waived before they are processed 24 hours or less after class

Summary Section

The Summary Section displays summary totals for the selected time period.

Total No-Shows

Displays the total number of no-shows for the selected period. This includes no-shows with fees applied and waived.

Total Late Cancels

Displays the total number of late cancels for the selected period. This includes late cancels with fees applied and waived.

Fees Collected

Total amount of fees collected for the selected period. This does not include account balance fees. When a client does not have a credit card on file or if the card on file fails, the fee will be charged towards their account balance rather than to a card. The Fees Collected section only accounts for fees that are paid via a client's card on file. View all clients with an account balance via the Contacts list located on the navigation menu. The Contacts list includes all clients with an account balance owed and a balance to use. Keep in mind that balances owed on this list can be accumulated for reasons other than no-show and late cancel fees.

Fees Waived

Total amount of fees waived for the selected period.

Fees Pending

Total amount of fees not yet charged. If fees are not waived, then clients with pending fees will be charged 24 hours after the class.

Report Details

This section displays the type of cancellation, the client who either no-showed or late canceled, the class name, date and time, and the status of the fee. Use the edit icon on the far right of the report to waive or apply no-show and late cancel fees.

Icon explanation

  • An eye crossed out icon indicates a no-show.

  • An alarm clock icon indicates a late cancellation.

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