Stripe Chargeback Claim Form
Updated over a week ago

You must provide the following information to Walla Support in order to submit your claim to Stripe. Copy and paste this template into your chargeback notification email from Walla Support. Complete the template and provide the applicable information and evidence by the due date provided by Walla Support.

Stripe Chargeback Claim Form

Why should you win this dispute? (Indicate one of the following)

  • The cardholder withdrew the dispute

  • The cardholder was refunded

  • The refund or cancellation request was made after the date allowed by your terms

  • The cardholder received the product or service

  • ​Other (If you choose other, you must provide additional details)

Product or service details description:

What type of product or service is this? (Choose one of the following)

  • Physical product

  • Digital product or service

  • Offline service

  • Event

  • Booking or reservation

  • ​Other (If you choose other, you must provide additional details)​

We also highly recommend to provide Walla Support with the following evidence as applicable to share via Stripe attached in PDF format:

  • Refund Policy

  • Cancelation Policy

  • Transaction Receipt

  • Customer Communication

  • Terms & Conditions

​Copy, paste, and complete the above as a template into your email reply to Walla Support

Walla Support will submit your decision and claim details on your behalf and will send you a confirmation email once it is submitted. When the chargeback decision has been made by the client's card issuer, Walla Support will reach out via the confirmation email.

While each dispute reason requires specific types of evidence to show why the payment should stand, some types of evidence are universal for all dispute responses. Learn about the type of evidence you can provide based on the dispute category here: General evidence for dispute categories.

Successfully demonstrating the legitimacy of your charge will have a higher likelihood of resolving in your favor.

  • No matter your decision, failing to respond before the deadline effectively signifies your acceptance of the dispute.

  • Walla is not responsible for any charges or fees and it is your responsibility to take action before the deadline.

  • The deadline cannot be extended and is set by the card issuer, not Walla.

Any charges, card issuer fees, or payment processing fees associated with this dispute will be billed back to you.

Walla does not possess any influence over the dispute resolution outcome, nor does Walla assume responsibility for any dispute-related fees. The ultimate decision rests solely with the client's bank, and all associated charges are the responsibility of you or your business. It is incumbent upon you or your business to meet the provided deadline or respond within the remaining days to address the claim. If you happen to lose the dispute, the funds will be deducted from your next scheduled Walla subscription payment.

Please note that Walla Support does not provide guidance or consultation regarding chargebacks.

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