What are Stripe dispute fees?
Updated over a week ago

What are dispute fees?

When your business receives a card dispute (also called a chargeback), the cardholder's card issuer pulls the amount for the dispute from Stripe, as well as that network's dispute fees.

Can I refund a charge to avoid paying the dispute fee?

If you issue a full refund on a charge before a dispute happens, it is no longer possible for the cardholder to dispute it. So you are protected from any future dispute or dispute fee. Once a cardholder initiates a dispute, it is no longer possible to avoid the fee.

βœ‹ When a client initiates a chargeback the disputed amount, plus a $15 Stripe dispute fee, is debited from your Stripe account.

How much is the dispute fee?

Stripe charges a $15 fee for each chargeback, or dispute, that a merchant receives. This fee is similar to what other banks and processors charge to cover the administrative costs of resolving the dispute. Stripe will also refund the fee and the disputed amount if the merchant wins the dispute

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