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How to Effectively Report an Issue to the Support Team
How to Effectively Report an Issue to the Support Team
Updated over a week ago

Be clear. Be specific.

Let's look at an example of an effective issue report...

If your client is unable to book on the Walla App when using their plan, you can write:

“My client Carla Sagan was trying to book the 5:00 pm Astral Yoga class on Tuesday, before our booking window closed. When she selected reserve, and chose payment methods, only the drop-in price displayed. She has a 5 clack pack that is set up to pay for the class, and it expires in a week. She is on Walla App version 1.31 iOS. Attached is a screenshot of what she sees when she goes to book.”

This clearly explains who is experiencing the issue, that the client should be able to book, and it explains where the client is experiencing the issue.

Now, let's look at how to not report an issue to the support team...

Here are two examples of issue explanations that will result in a lot of back and forth to get to the root of the problem:

  • I have a client that is having an issue when they go to book.

  • My client’s plan is not working.

What is the difference between our first example and the two short examples?

Well, when it comes to the amount of time spent working with the support team, it could mean the difference between a support conversation being open for 15 minutes or a ticket being open for 10x longer as the team go back and forth asking for details. The bottom line is, if support doesn’t have as much detail as possible, it takes more time to investigate and communicate the potential issue to the development teams.

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