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Custom fields: Products

How to work with custom fields on products in webCRM

Updated over a week ago

Products behave slightly differently to other modules in webCRM. This is because in addition to providing the capability to store Products against your Organisations records, you can enable the Quotation module on Opportunities – and the entire Module is configured and managed inside Products.

Product fields Overview positions

Once you have created some Custom fields for your Products, you can choose which of those fields appear in the Products list view on an Organisation record.

Simply select the field labels in the order you want them to appear, and click Save.

Product Link fields

If you have enabled the option to link Opportunities and/or Support Cases to Products then you must specify the fields to be displayed in the link options. You can select two fields.

This is useful if you wish to allocate the equipment which a Customer has bought from you to an Opportunity/Delivery record where you will be providing installation and commissioning services.

Another example would be when you are providing training courses, and you can link the course to the Delivery record where you are tracking the time, expenses and mileage of the Users delivering the training.

Combine Custom fields into a new field

This feature enables you to bundle Data from multiple fields into just one field for display in the Products list view. You specify the fields, the separator and provide a text label for the combined field. You can also enable a ‘unique values’ check and this is useful if you wished to create a unique code for your Product records.

Linked Data - for Products

The Products Linked data function is different to the other modules. Here you can manage the Quotations module.

You access it in the same way, by clicking the Quotation – Linked data icon from the top right corner of the Custom fields: Products screen.

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