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Request feedback about yourself
Request feedback about yourself

How to request feedback from your peers about yourself

Lauren Rolfe avatar
Written by Lauren Rolfe
Updated over 10 months ago

What is covered in this article?

How to request feedback about yourself from your peers

Who is this article for?

All users

If you'd like some feedback from your team members, peers in other teams, and/or from your manager, you can send feedback requests to other users from your login.

You may want some feedback on a particular project you were involved in, performance feedback, suggestions for improvement, an understanding of your strengths & weaknesses from other perspectives etc.

How to request feedback regarding yourself

To request feedback about yourself from your peers follow these steps:

  1. Login to WeThrive and scroll down on your homepage (the Me homepage if you are a manager user).

  2. In the section labelled 'Feedback', click the Request feedback button under the heading 'Request'.

  3. A pop up box will appear and you can enter the details of your feedback request. Add a 'Title' and 'Description' to give your peers an idea of what type of feedback you'd like them to share. Use this help file for inspiration.

  4. Select your 'Feedback providers' by typing an employee's name or a group name (e.g. a team, location, department) into the search box and selecting each individual you want to give feedback.

  5. Set a 'Deadline' for providers to give their feedback using the calendar.

  6. Click 'Send feedback requests'. An email notification will be sent to all feedback providers with a link to login and give their response.

View all personal feedback and pending requests

To view all personal feedback that others have shared with you, and any feedback you are still waiting to receive from your peers, click 'Feedback' in the main menu.

On this page, you can view all feedback given about you by expanding each row using the pink arrow (see below screenshot).

You can see which feedback is still 'pending' in the 'Date given' column - this means that the provider has not yet shared their response to your feedback request.

Send reminders to feedback providers who have not responded

If you notice that feedback still shows as 'pending' in your 'Feedback' table, you can send reminder notifications to the feedback provider(s) by:

  1. Heading to the 'Feedback' page as shown in the above section.

  2. Tick the box next to the 'Remind' heading in the table to send reminders for all pending feedback requests OR tick the box next to a particular feedback request that still shows as 'pending'.

  3. A pop up will appear with a 'Send reminder(s)' button (see below).

  4. Click this and a reminder email notification will be sent to all of the feedback providers included in your selection with a link to complete your feedback request.

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