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Customized Survey
Updated over a week ago

This function allows you to create and deliver your own customized surveys.

We did a major renewal on Friday, January 21, 2022. Click here for details.

Customized surveys are available through Wevox Engagement /Wevox Admin→ Services→ "Custom Surveys".

(This function is only available for companies with paid plans.)

▼Screen transition in Wevox Engagement

▼Screen transition in Wevox Admin

This allows you to create and deliver your own unique surveys. As with engagement surveys, Wevox will aggregate the result, and display it in a visual format.

About the function

  • You can create and deliver your own unique surveys. 

    • You can deliver the same survey multiple times so that you can see the trends as well as the engagement survey.

  • There are three response methods.

    • Likert Scale (7 levels)

    • Multi-line text

    • Single choice

  • The notification method for customized surveys is the same as for engagement surveys.

  • The maximum number of questions in a customized survey is 60 per survey.

  • Multiple customized surveys can be sent at a time.

    • Respondents will be displayed in the order in which the customized surveys are created.


  • Only those who have owner right can deliver and view the results of the customized survey.

  • This is not a function to edit or add questions to the engagement survey.

  • If you send out a customized survey only, you will not be able to extend the response period.

    • If you wish to extend the response period, please contact us using the chat function at the bottom right of the administration screen.

    • If the survey is distributed together with an engagement survey, the response due date will change along with the engagement survey due date.

  • Customized survey responses cannot be redone.

  • You will not be able to change the content of the questions while the customized survey is being delivered.

How to do it

Description of each menu

The following is a description of each menu displayed on the page where you select a specific customized survey, and what you can do with it for each delivery status.

Customized Surveys Top Page

Menu after selecting an individual customized survey

 ▼ Analysis

 ▼ Comparison

 ▼ Delivery

Customized surveys created in the past are listed in descending order of creation date.

If the survey has been delivered more than once, you can check the last delivery date and the current delivery status.

▼ Analysis

This is the page to check the details of the response results.

In addition to the results for each question, you can also check the results for each group/attribute and view the transition graph when the same survey has been delivered multiple times.

Delivery Status

Displayed content

Not delivered

There are no results to display because the survey has not been delivered. A link to the delivery page of the survey will be displayed.

Scheduled for delivery

Same as above

During the delivery period

The results of the current survey will be displayed for each question.

Surveys that have been delivered more than once and out of the delivery period

The results of the most recent survey will be displayed for each question. The display differs depending on the response method.

▼ Comparison

In this page, you can check the results of the responses in a list. Clicking on each result will take you to the corresponding analysis screen.

Delivery Status

Displayed contents

Not delivered

There are no results to display because the survey has not been delivered. A link to the delivery page of the survey will be displayed.

Scheduled for delivery

Same as above

During the delivery period

The results of the survey that is currently being delivered will be displayed in a list.

Surveys that have been delivered more than once and out of the delivery period

The results of the most recent survey will be displayed for each question. The display differs depending on the response method.

▼ Question Settings

This is the page where you can set the questions and the response method to be delivered in the customized survey.

Delivery Status

What you can do

Not delivered

You can

・Add/delete/edit questions

・Set delivery ON/OFF for each question

・Change the order in which questions are delivered.

Scheduled delivery

Same as above

During the delivery period

You can only check the contents of the question. You cannot edit/add/delete.

Already delivered more than once and out of the delivery period

You can

・Edit the question text・Add a question

・Set delivery ON/OFF for each question

・Change the delivery order of questions. 

The following operations are not available.

・Deleting a question with an answer result.

・Deleting choices with answer results (single choice)

▼ Delivery

This is the page to set the delivery settings for each survey. This page is used to set up the delivery settings for each survey. Multiple deliveries of the same survey are also executed from this page.

Delivery Status

What you can do

Not delivered

You can

・Edit survey title

・Select survey targets

・Set delivery date

・Check the preview

・Set the delivery date

Scheduled delivery

You can

・Cancel delivery

・Check the preview

During the delivery period

You can

・Edit survey title

・Check the preview

Surveys that have been delivered more than once and out of the delivery period

You can

・Edit the survey title

・Select survey targets

・Set the delivery date

・Check the preview

・Select survey targets

▼ Delivery Status

This is the page where you can check the past delivery history and set reminders for the survey being delivered.

Delivery Status

Displayed contents / What you can do


There is no delivery history that can be displayed because the survey has not been delivered.


There is no delivery history that can be displayed because the survey has not been delivered.

Scheduled for delivery

Same as above

During the delivery period

You can

・Set a reminder setting/delivery

・Add survey targets. If the survey has been distributed more than once in the past, the past delivery history will also be displayed.

If the survey has been distributed more than once

the past delivery history will be displayed.

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