すべてのコレクションWevox Admin権限閲覧権限



See below for the English version.

この操作ができるサービス:Wevox Admin



全従業員に、所属している部署(グループ)のスコアを閲覧できる権限を付与する」というように、条件を設定して権限を付与 / 更新することが可能です。また、組織の各メンバーがボトムアップに組織を改善しやすくすることを目的に、各メンバーが所属しているグループ等の権限が容易に付与できるように設計されています。




1. 対象者の条件



  • 全メンバー

  • 役職

  • 職種

  • 雇用区分

2. 権限範囲


  • 全てのグループ

  • 所属グループ

  • 所属の1階層上のグループ

  • 所属の最上位のグループ








  • 「権限一括更新」を実行した場合、当該ルールの「対象者に含まれるメンバー」のデータ閲覧権限のみが上書き更新されます。

    • 実行ルールに含まれないメンバーの閲覧権限は更新の対象ではありません。

    • 本機能では「権限を削除する」ことはできません

  • 「ルールを削除」しても、過去に当該ルールの実行により付与された権限は削除されません。

  • 現在の閲覧権限を確認する場合、グループ画面右上の「閲覧権限を出力」からダウンロードの上、ご確認ください。

  • 具体的に権限に影響を及ぼす操作は「実行」のみです。

  • ルールの「作成」「削除」を行うだけでは、権限は更新されません。

  • ルールは自動的に適用されません。更新する場合には【権限一括更新】をご実行ください。

    • 例)





参考:ルールの適用のされ方① -複数のルールを同時に適応する-



対象者の条件:役職 =リーダー



対象者の条件:職種 = エンジニア



  • A:全メンバーからBCDを除いたメンバー

  • B:「役職=リーダー」で「職種≠エンジニア」として登録されているメンバー

  • C:「職種=エンジニア」で「役職≠リーダー」として登録されているメンバー

  • D:「役職=リーダー」かつ「職種=エンジニア」として登録されているメンバー


(ルール1, 2が設定されていて同時に実行された場合、

参考:ルールの適用のされ方② -複数のルールを順次適応する-



What is the bulk update function for access permissions?

You can update access permissions in bulk from "Operation Settings > Authority". Here is an overview.

In order to grant "Data Access Permission", you can set the rules for who, how much, and which permission to grant or update, and then update the permissions in bulk.

With this function, you can set conditions for granting/updating permissions, such as "All employees are authorized to view the scores of the department (group) to which they belong". In addition, to make it easier for each member of the organization to improve the organization from the bottom up, the system is designed so that it is easy to grant permissions to the groups to which each member belongs.

For more details on how to use this function, please refer to "Using the Bulk Update Function for Access Permissions".

Rules that can be set

You can create a rule by combining the following two items.

1. Target conditions

You can select the condition of the subject from the following categories. Please confirm your registration for the following items on the member page in advance to facilitate the process.(Please refer here for bulk update of member information.)

  • All members

  • Position

  • Job category

  • Employment classification

2. Permissions to be granted

Any authority can be set to be granted in the following permission scope.

  • All groups

  • Affiliated groups

  • The group one level above the affiliation

  • Top level group of affiliation

When using Wevox, it is necessary to consider in advance "who you want to grant viewing permission to and for which groups".

Please note that if there are other groups under the group you have granted permission to view, those groups will also be viewable.


In order to grant the permissions correctly, it is important that the member information and group settings are registered with the intended latest information.

Note the following when executing the rule

  • When you execute "Bulk Update Permission", only the data access permissions of "Members included in the target" of the rule will be overwritten and updated.

    • The permissions of the members who are not included in the rule will not be updated.

    • In this function, you cannot "delete the permissions".

  • Deleting a rule will not delete the permissions granted by the execution of the rule in the past.

  • If you want to check the current permissions, please download and check the permissions from "Download groups" at the top right of the group page.

Reference: How rules are applied

In this section, we will introduce the case where the following two rules (Rule.1 & Rule.2 ) are executed according to the rules that can be set.

Rule 1

Target condition: Position is Leader

Permission for granting: Groups one level above your affiliation

Rule 2

Target condition: Job category is Engineer

Authority to be granted: Group to which you belong

The member categories regarding Rule 1 and Rule 2 are organized as follows.

A: All members except for B,C,D

B: Members registered as a Leader (position) but not an Engineer (job category)

C: Members registered as an Engineer (job category) but not as a leader (position)

D: Members registered as both, as a Leader (position) and an Engineer (job category)

The table below shows the status of access permission for each member category when the bulk updates of permission are executed separately in the flow from Rule 1 to Rule 2. This is a very important point, so please check "which category is affected by which rule is created/executed".


The only operation that specifically affects the permission is "Execution", not "Create" or "Delete".

Specific operations

For details on the operation method, please refer to "Using the Bulk Update Function for Access Permissions".
