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Common Reasons for Content Blocking
Common Reasons for Content Blocking
Updated over 4 months ago

We want to ensure WiFi Map is a valuable resource for everyone, which means keeping content relevant, clear, and respectful. Here’s a quick guide to help you understand why certain photos, reviews, or places may be blocked and how to fix these issues.

Why a Photo May Be Blocked

  1. Duplicate Photos
    Uploading the same photo multiple times for a single place (e.g., WiFi hotspot) isn’t helpful for others. Please upload only one version of a photo, ensuring each one is unique.

  2. Inappropriate Content
    Photos containing offensive or prohibited material that isn’t suitable for WiFi Map will be blocked. We want to create a respectful and inclusive platform for all users.

  3. Irrelevant Content
    Photos should be directly relevant to the place. Images that don’t show the actual location, interior, or exterior don’t provide value to others.

  4. Location Mismatch
    If a photo was taken far from the actual place, it may be flagged. Photos should accurately represent the location to help other users.

  5. Edited or Downloaded Images
    Photos need to be original and taken with a phone camera. Images from external sources (like stock photos, screenshots, or downloads) are not accepted.

  6. Low Quality
    Blurry, dark, or low-resolution photos can’t effectively show the details of a place and may be removed.

  7. User Complaints
    If we receive complaints about a photo and they are validated, the photo may be blocked to maintain quality.

Why a Review May Be Blocked

  1. Inappropriate Language
    Reviews with offensive or prohibited words that go against our guidelines will be blocked.

  2. Spam or Nonsense
    Reviews should provide meaningful insights. Reviews that are too short, irrelevant, or lack valuable feedback may be blocked.

  3. Location Mismatch
    Reviews should be submitted when near the place; if submitted from far away, they may be flagged.

  4. User Complaints
    When complaints are reviewed and accepted, the review may be blocked to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Why a Place May Be Blocked

  1. Inappropriate Photos
    If a place includes at least one offensive or prohibited photo, it may be blocked.

  2. Lack of Relevant Photos
    Places without any approved photos may be blocked. Photos should be relevant and clearly represent the place.

  3. Multiple Blocked Photos
    If too many non-compliant photos are added to a place, it may be blocked to prevent confusion or misinformation.

  4. Owner Request
    In some cases, place owners may request removal of their location.

  5. User Complaints
    Places with validated complaints may be blocked to ensure users have access to reliable information.

What to Do If Your Content Is Blocked

  • Photos or Reviews: You can delete any blocked content from the place details screen or your profile.

  • Blocked Places: If a place was blocked due to photos or reviews, simply remove any problematic content. Once this is done, the place will be unlocked and visible on the map.

  • Contact Support: If you think your content was blocked by mistake, please reach out to our support team. We’re here to help!

Thank you for contributing to a better WiFi Map for all users!

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