Log into the WIU H5P WordPress site and open the H5P activity you created. At the bottom of the activity, click Embed.
To learn how to create an H5P activity in WordPress, review the resource: Logging into the WIU H5P WordPress site and creating an H5P activity.
Copy the entire embed code shown above Size.
Log into Genius and go to the Buzz learning management system. From your Accelerate Education course card, click Editor.
Determine where in your course you want to add the new activity. To the right of the Module name, click Add activity.
Select Custom activity.
Under Content (modified from original), select Rich text.
From the editing toolbar, click the Code View icon in the bottom row.
In the text editor, paste in the embed code you copied from the H5P activity you created in the WIU H5P WordPress site.
Click the Code View icon a second time to view the H5P activity in the page.
Scroll down the page and click ADD ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS and add instructions the students will need to complete the activity.
Click SETTINGS from the top menu bar.
Under Activity settings, select the applicable grade period, check the box next to Due date and add the due date, and check the box next to Allow late submissions. Make sure Always allow late submissions is selected.
Under Gradebook and submission, uncheck This activity is gradable. This will remove the activity from the Buzz gradebook.
When finished with any edits, click SAVE at the top right of the page.
Your new Custom activity will appear at the bottom of the Module’s activity list. You can move the activity by holding down your left mouse button on the activity and dragging the activity up the list.