Our marketplace is designed to make the process of finding a Migration Specialist for Employers and Job Seekers as easy and efficient as possible. Through this portal, you can add your consultancy agreement and fees, control booking consultations, and messaging with potential clients. Additionally it offers Translation services and it's a connection to your Client's accounts to manage and view job ads including downloading Labour Market Testing data all in one place.
Video Onboarding:
Get started, here's a quick video on Migration Marketplace services:
If you would like to setup your profile for the lead generation service, watch this short video:
If you would like to use Migration Marketplace for managing Labour Market Testing (LMT), see this short video:
Continue on if you would like to learn about each areas of the platform individually.
When you log in, this is your insightful Dashboard, this will show you a snapshot of financials, what upcoming consultations are scheduled, any new messages from potential clients, how many consultations are booked, and the number of testimonials from new clients.
First, you can start by completing your Profile, adding in your consultancy fee and consultancy agreement and complete your Stripe onboarding.
Note: By completing the Stripe onboarding, this is an important first step as when completed this will enable the "book a consultation" function for job seekers and employers when viewing your profile.
Your Profile
Your Profile
If you do not wish to use the lead generation service tool and advertise your services for potential new clients, please do not finish completing your profile. This will ensure your profile remains hidden.
Navigate to Complete your profile or Profile in the left-hand side Menu.
You will need to add your Basic Information and Business Information. You'll want to include a professional profile picture, a company logo, and if you want to upload a Banner image or video that best portrays your company.
Next, click Consultancy Settings and here is where you will add your Consultancy Agreement, and this will be sent to the user who books a consultation through our marketplace.
Also, you will want to edit and Add in your Consultancy Fee.
Note: Beneath Consultancy Fee, there is a Free for Workinitiatives Users that can be enabled. When this is toggled on, Employers that have an account with Workinitiatives can book a FREE consultation through your profile.
Next, you will want to Connect your Calendar for booking consultations, you will see two options.
1. Google Calendar
2. Outlook Calendar
Your choice will open a new window for you to complete the process.
Lastly, on your profile screen, you will want to review Notification Settings to ensure you are happy when you will receive notifications.
These fields are required for a completed profile to be shown on our Website:
Full Name
Profile Picture
Business Logo
Business Name
Business Email
Areas of Practice
Office Address
About Company
Stripe Onboarding
Connect your Calendar
Consultancy Fee
Consultancy Agreement
Under Consultations, this is an area where clients start to appear that have booked via your profile. You have the option to filter them by all, upcoming, completed or incomplete bookings.
You can engage with clients through this section as a two-way messaging portal by selecting the message icon if you need to ask any questions or follow up on any documents to be provided.
You can also mark consultations as complete via the actions drop down and mark as complete.
When marking a client as completed, this will initiate the release of funds via Stripe.
Please note: this may take a few days for the payment to clear in your bank account.
In Testimonials, after a consultation is marked as complete and shown as closed for a client, they will be prompted to provide a Testimonial for your service. When the testimonial is completed, they will be listed here and you can consider which testimonials you keep private and you can toggle which you will show as Public on your profile.
If you have completed a service outside our consultation process, there is an opportunity to have those clients complete a testimonial via a public link. You will copy this and send this to your client to complete.
Under Translation, migration specialists can request NAATI certified translation services.
You can easily:
Select from a wide range of languages
Choose your required certification
Pick a translator from the list
Set the level of detail you need (Extract or full translation)
Simply upload your file, answer a few questions, and complete your order with a secure checkout for a digital translation.
The job will then be sent to the Translator for review and completion, if any questions or edits are to be made, this will be sent back to you through the messaging system on the Translation page Dashboard.
Please note: Translation turn around times can vary and no time line can be given. We recommend you reach out to the translator for the job via going into the job and using the messages section to liaise with them directly.
Connecting to a Client's Account
Connecting to a Client's Account
Our marketplace also offers a convenient way to manage and view your client's job ads. By connecting to their accounts, you can easily access and download Labour Market Testing data, making it easier for you to provide your services and support to your clients.
There are two ways for you to gain access:
An Employer can Invite you to their account
If you wish to be invited to their account, speak with your client and ask them to invite you by following this guide here.
An Agent can request access to the Employer's account
You can request access from the Workinitiatives area portal and this will bring you to your Employer portal as a Migration Agent.
Go to Workinitiatives and you can select Manage Clients.
Here you will see a list of Clients you have access to already and the status of each.
Pending - You've requested access or you can request access again (if they lost the email), this means the Employer has not accepted your access yet.
Accepted - You can access that employer account
Revoked - You no longer have access to that employer account.
If you want to request access to a new Employer account, click Invite Employer to Workinitiatives and a window will open for you to enter the Client Name and Client email.
Clicking Invite will email the person to whom you've requested access and they will need to either sign up as a new customer or log in and accept before you can see their account.
Note: to ensure transparency and security, it is essential to provide your client’s email address when inviting them to our Workinitiatives platform. This allows them to be fully informed about their involvement with the system, where they can access and manage job ads, review applicants, and more.
Please note that this step cannot be skipped or bypassed as it is crucial in preventing fraudulent use of business details and ensures that all parties are aware of and consent to their responsibilities in the hiring process, ultimately protecting both you and your clients.
How does my client accept the request?
How does my client accept the request?
If the Client has never used Workinitiatives before, they are required to register and sign up.
If they have a Workinitiatives account already, you can advise them to go the next step of granting access in Manage Service Providers.
The button in the email they receive takes them to the Employer registration page where they need to provide: First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, Mobile Number and Company Name.
Once they have registered, they will be logged into the Employer portal, and they will find the agent's request in Menu > Manage Service Providers > and will see their agent's name and Grant access button.
The access is instantaneous, if the agent returns to their Migration Marketplace portal, they will see they have been accepted and can Access Company.
Interested in taking advantage of our Job Ad Credit sharing scheme, see this article for further information and guidance: https://intercom.help/workinitiatives/en/articles/9570600-job-ad-credit-sharing-in-migration-marketplace
We hope this article has provided you with all the information you need to get started on our Migration Marketplace. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team via chatbot or contact support@workinitiatives.com.au.