Job Ad credit sharing is a feature that allows Migration specialists to take advantage of a monthly subscription or job pack and use their credits to post job ads on behalf of their clients.
Why is this beneficial for migration specialists?
This feature is beneficial for migration specialists because it allows them to provide an additional service to their clients. With their available job ad credits, migration specialists can post LMT-compliant ads on behalf of their clients and access the LMT report easily.
What are the job ad credit options?
Migration specialists can log into their Migration Marketplace portal here.
From the Menu go to Workinitiatives and Access my service provider account, and this will bring you to your servicer provider account. This is your business account.
PLEASE NOTE: If it is your business model to purchase and post the job ad then you will need to purchase job ad credits in your service provider account FIRST. See below screenshot to buy an on demand credit.
There is still the option that you can ask for your client to login to the portal and pay for the ad and post the ad themselves.
If you are not frequently posting ads, you can purchase on-demand credits from the dashboard of your service provider account.
If you are posting ads more frequently, you can review our available job packs or monthly subscriptions when you go to Menu, selecting the Pricing and Pricing plans option.
This area will show you all monthly subscriptions or job packs available to you.
This step is only required if you purchased a subscription or pack is applied, navigate back to the dashboard to enable the Share Credits option.
Inviting new clients
If this is your first time using Migration Marketplace, you will need to invite your client to the Workinitiatives system. By inviting your clients through this portal, the system will contact the new user to login and accept your request to access their account.
If your client has not used Workinitiatives before, they will sign up as an Employer account before they are able to accept your request.
For further information and guidance, click here to read the article on connecting to your client's portal and the invite process for your client.
Posting an ad on a client's account
Now you've been accepted by the client, from the Manage Clients area you can Access Company to login to your Client's platform and can proceed to post a job ad on their behalf.
Within their platform, you will select Post a Job and complete the job form with the ad details.
When your ad is completed and you Save & Continue, you will come to the payment screen. Here, you will see this client has no credits available but it shows your Agency account has credits available to use.
PLEASE NOTE: If the continue button is greyed out and see payment is required $199. You cannot proceed, you must return to your service provider account and buy an on-demand credit to finish this process of posting the ad.
When you Publish the ad and navigate back to the dashboard, the available credits from the agency account will reduce.
Client's account:
From the client's dashboard, at the top of the screen if you Switch into Manage Clients and then Switch into Service provider account back to your Agency account.
Agency Account:
Congratulations, you've now shared credits between an Agency account and a Client's company account and posted the ad for them.
Here are some scenarios to take into consideration:
Scenario: If the Agency account has available credits and the Client's account has available credits, then the Agency account will be used in all circumstances.
Scenario: If the agency account has used all their available credits and shows as 0, the agency account will need to go back to their agency account and upgrade their subscription to a higher plan via Menu > Pricing > Pricing Plans.
If you have any questions or need assistance with using this feature, please don't hesitate to contact our support team via the chatbot or email: