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Conversation Settings
Conversation Settings
Updated over a week ago

Conversation settings are customizable options you can enable or disable during a session to tune the AI assistant's outputs to your preferences. They allow granular control over aspects like code style, included files, and chat response detail level.

These settings are specifically meant to impact the generations and outputs for the current conversation. Toggling a setting on will make that adjustment just for any outputs generated during your active session, persisting as you move between the Chat and Code interfaces. If you return to the platform a week later, the settings will remain how you left them previously.

We welcome your feedback as we continually improve the capabilities of the AI. Please let us know if you have suggestions for additional conversation settings or areas for improvement.

How to Access Conversation Settings

The entry point to manage settings can be found in both the Chat and Code interfaces. Look for the Conversation Settings trigger icon displayed directly next to the Submit Message button.

Selecting this icon will open up an overlay menu where each available setting can be turned on or off for the current conversation. The menu makes it easy to quickly toggle preferences on and off during a session.

Settings List

Here's an up to date list of all settings available.

Auto Classification

Default Status: On
Plans: All

This setting utilizes a custom AI model to automatically classify user-submitted messages into one of three intent categories: Generation, Edit, or Explanation.

Classifying intent allows the assistant to automatically take the appropriate action in response, resulting in a seamless interaction with CodeWP's AI.

Occasionally, the model may misclassify a message, leading to unexpected or undesired output. Turning auto classification off means you must manually select the intent for each message submitted, which both fixes issues from misclassifications and helps further train the model. More info.

Plugin Mode

Default Status: On
Plans: All

When enabled, any applicable PHP files outputted by the assistant will include WordPress plugin headers at the top of the file. This allows the files to be easily exported from the platform and installed on a live WordPress site as a plugin.

Auto File Detection

Default Status: On
Plans: All

Auto File Detection stands as a cornerstone feature within the CodeWP, designed to significantly streamline the coding process by ensuring all file dependencies are present.

When enabled, our AI continuously monitors your code as you work, identifying instances where your code references external PHP, CSS, or JavaScript files. If the system detects that the file is not present within the current editor session, it proactively creates a CodeWP package, and then generates the necessary file or files automatically.

If disabled, CodeWP will still suggest the creation of enqueued or included files that don't exist, but won't automatically generate them.

Inline Code Comments

Default Status: Off 
Available In: Pro, Agency Plans

With this setting enabled, submitted snippets may contain additional comments that explain parts of the code, provide usage instructions, or share implementation details. This aids in understanding complex sections.

DocBlock Comments

Default Status: Off 
Available In: Pro, Agency Plans

As an alternative form of code documentation, you can enable doc block comments which prepend sections of code with structured comment blocks.

These standardized comments improve readability and allow code editors to surface useful information about classes, methods, parameters, return values, and more through tooltips and auto-complete suggestions.

OOP Mode

Default Status: Off 
Available In: Pro, Agency Plans

By default, emitted PHP code follows a procedural programming. For users comfortable with object-oriented programming, turning on OOP mode will shift outputs to use OOP structure and concepts instead like classes, inheritance, encapsulation, and interfaces.

Composer Packages

Default Status: Off 
Available In: Pro, Agency Plans

With this setting enabled, generated PHP code is allowed to leverage external PHP packages fetched through the dependency manager Composer. The assistant has awareness of common packages like GuzzleHTTP and will autonomously decide when a package may be useful for tackling a problem. Keep in mind; users must still install dependencies locally after generating code.

Response Detail Level

Default Status: Off 
Plans: All

Beyond just impacting code generation, conversation settings also offer control over the detail level of conversational chat responses. Users can pick between basic, normal, and advanced detail levels to tune how concise or elaborate messages from the assistant will be.

Differentiating Conversation and Project Settings

It's important to distinguish between conversation and project settings. Conversation settings have a broad application, affecting any session you engage in on CodeWP. In contrast, project settings are context-sensitive and apply only when a specific project is active in your session. Leveraging both sets of settings allows you to maximize the efficiency and relevance of the AI's outputs, creating a highly personalized coding companion.

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