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Why are HMH assignment readings not loading in Writable?
Why are HMH assignment readings not loading in Writable?

Troubleshoot if the digital student edition text fails to load.

Kelly Burnette avatar
Written by Kelly Burnette
Updated over 2 months ago

In order to access HMH curriculum assignment readings (digital student textbook), all students and teachers need to connect their account to Ed by logging into Writable from Ed.

If your students have linked an Ed account and see a blank white screen in place of the reading, check that cross-site tracking is enabled. This applies to Safari and Chrome browsers on iPads and some Chromebooks. For directions on how to enable cross-site tracking, click here.

In this article:

Linking an Account with Ed

Note: Students and Teachers must launch from HMH Ed once in order to access HMH assignment readings (digital student edition text). If this step hasn’t been completed, teachers and students may see this error message:


In order for students to view and access the digital student edition text they will need to log in to Ed and launch into their Writable account by following these directions:

1. First, students will log into Ed.

2. From the Dashboard, click 'Writable' to launch the Writable app in a new window.

3. Students can also click the 'Assignments' tab to launch the Writable app. Depending on the Writable subscription your school has purchased, students may see the button labeled as 'Writing Tasks'. If students do not see either 'Writable' or 'Writing Tasks', teachers may need to enable programs in the Program Settings using these directions.

4. If students have logged in previously using Google or Microsoft, and they are prompted to connect an account, it's highly recommended that they sign in at this time, to ensure their account is connected.


1. First, teachers will log into Ed. Navigate to the Discover tab, then click Connected Solutions.

2. From Connected Solutions, click the Writable icon to launch Writable. You may also see Writing Tasks here.

3. When launching Writable, you may be prompted to connect a Google or Microsoft account. If you signed in to Writable with an email previously, it is highly recommended that you sign in to that same account, to ensure accounts are connected.

4. Once you've successfully linked your account to Ed, you should be able to access assignment readings.

Browser Settings for Chrome

If the digital student edition fails to load for you or your students, your browser may be blocking third party cookies used to enable the reading. If you are using Chrome in incognito mode, the reading may not load properly. To enable third party cookies, follow these steps:

1. Access Chrome settings by navigating to the vertical ellipses, and choose settings.

2. Navigate to Privacy and Security, then select Cookies and Other Site Data.

3. Select the option to Allow all Cookies.

4. Navigate back to Writable, and refresh the assignment page.

Browser Settings for Firefox

If the digital student edition fails to load for you or your students, your browser may be blocking third party cookies used to enable the reading.

If the reading fails to load, you can view blocked cookies on that page as shown below. If the site is blocking “,” the reading will fail to load.

1. Navigate to your browser settings by clicking the three lines in the top right corner of the window, the selecting settings.

2. Navigate to the Privacy and Security settings, and choose Standard protection.

3. Alternatively, you can allow cookies from a specific domain by clicking Manage Exceptions, and allowing the domain “”

4. Return to the assignment, and click the refresh the page.

Browser Settings for Microsoft Edge

If the digital student edition fails to load for you or your students, your browser may be blocking third party cookies used to enable the reading.

1. Access Edge settings by navigating to the ellipses, then choose settings.

2. Click Cookies and site permissions then navigate to Manage and delete cookies and site data.

3. Disable the option to Block third-party cookies.

4. Alternatively, you can choose to allow "" site cookies on your device.

5. Navigate back to the assignment, and refresh the page

Browser Settings for Safari

If the digital student edition fails to load for you or your students, you may need to enable cross site tracking in Safari.

1. With your browser open, click Safari, then navigate to Settings.

2. Navigate to Privacy Settings and uncheck the option for Prevent Cross Site Tracking.

3. Navigate to the assignment in Writable and refresh the page to load the reading.

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