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Introduction to Writable Journeys
Introduction to Writable Journeys

Writable Journeys help you guide students in daily writing practice through skill-aligned assignments that are responsive to your needs.

Kelly Burnette avatar
Written by Kelly Burnette
Updated over a week ago

At Writable, we know how challenging it can be to support students’ writing progression from a single sentence to an end-of-year higher-stakes assignment. Some common questions we hear from teachers are: Where do I start? When are students ready to move on? Which students need additional support? What do I assign next?

In our mission to support daily literacy wins for teachers and improved proficiency for students, Team Writable developed Writable Journeys. Writable Journeys help you guide students in daily writing practice through skill-aligned assignments that are responsive to your goals and to student needs.

On this page:

What is a Journey?

Journeys maximize your instructional planning and prep time and allow you to choose a targeted, skill-aligned path that works with your existing instructional plan – from the simplest Quick Write to a cumulative writing task. As always in Writable, we support a responsive approach to writing practice, making it easy for you to tailor your Journey with your own assignments, resources, readings, rubrics, and more.

What Journeys are available?

Writable has published Journeys for a variety of genres and writing goals. We have six Journeys available currently, each offering tailored options for Elementary, Middle, and High School.

  • Response to Information

  • Response to Literary Texts

  • Argument

  • Informational

  • Narrative

  • Paragraph Proficiency

  • Science - based on common SEPs found in the NGSS

  • Social Studies - based on foundational skills found in the C3 framework

How do I use Journeys?

Whether you’re building your writing instruction around demonstrating reading comprehension or looking for standards-aligned practice in the common writing genres or content areas, you can use Writable Journeys as your guide to “what’s next?”

A Journey starts with shorter writing prompts and progresses to more involved tasks – such as extended responses – that ask students to put together what they have learned.

Each Journey offers options to suit your teaching style and students’ needs. We provide actionable data insights along the way so you can customize which skills to cover next.

Starting your Journey: High Five Quick Writes

Writable Journeys start with skill-aligned, teacher-driven writing prompts called High Five Quick Writes.

When you choose a Journey, your students’ overall progress with each skill area is tracked over time, so it’s easy to determine what additional skill areas are most important to their success. You can use our sample prompt for the High Five or get creative and write your own.

Once you write a prompt, all you have to do is choose a routine, and our GrammarAid AI and skills monitoring are turned on and ready for students. Read more about High Five Quick Writes.

Continuing your Journey: Starting with the End in Mind

Writable Journeys help you choose or create assignments that ladder up to your ultimate instructional goal. Once you assign one (or several) High Five Quick Writes, you can assign more scaffolded and extended materials that pull multiple skills together.

Tip! As you plan your Journey, look at some of the later assignments for ideas on where you’re going with your instruction.

Options for continuing your Journey:

  • Assign Skills Lessons for students to practice skills independently

  • Work up to an Extended Response or Essay from the Journey

  • Create your own final assignment using your state or district-created common rubric

  • Differentiate practice or re-teaching based on student mastery

  • Any combination of the above!

Daily writing practice with Journeys will help you and your students achieve your end goal.

How do I plan for and monitor my Journeys?

Planning for a Journey by yourself or with your team is as easy as starting with a goal. For example, perhaps your school or district is working on building successful paragraph writing or is re-thinking how writing can be used to support reading or content-area knowledge. Or, maybe your team hopes to build student confidence and engagement with a specific genre of writing.

Once you choose a Journey, you can copy assignments from the Journey in Explore and they will be saved to your ‘My Assignments' page. In addition, each assignment will be saved to your ‘My Journeys’ section where they will be organized into Journey folders. You can use these folders to monitor progress on selected assignments.

Schedule a Journey Discussion with Writable

We’d love to hear your feedback about Writable Journeys, show you what’s ahead, or help you and your team pull the right resources from Writable Journeys together to meet your literacy goals. Reach out to our team at to connect and schedule a Journey Discussion.

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