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How do I browse and choose assignments? 🎥

Use the Explore page to view our robust assignment library and copy to your own assignment collection

Kelly Burnette avatar
Written by Kelly Burnette
Updated over 8 months ago

New! Writable's Explore page has recently been updated for more intuitive navigation. Check out a step-by-step walk-through of our assignment library below.

  1. Log into Writable and click 'Explore.'

  2. By default, you'll be shown assignments for the grade level band you selected while creating your account. You can click the drop-down to select a different grade level band.

  3. Navigate the assignment categories by scrolling down or using the links in the left menu.


    • Use the 'Search' bar to look for specific assignments by title or skill.

    • 'My Journey' helps you find assignments to support your students' growth towards specific writing skills. Click here to read more!

    • Writable's 'Featured' assignments allow you to check out the most popular assignments for your grade levels.

    • Click 'My District' to view and copy assignments shared by your district administrators. Click here to learn more about using 'My District'.

    • If you are an HMH customer, be sure to launch from Ed in order to see and assign from the HMH curriculum.

  4. Click on a Collections tile to open and browse individual assignments. For our example, we'll be clicking on the 'Argument' collection under Short Response.

  5. Click on any assignment tile to learn more. Here we have selected 'Argument Paragraph'. Click 'Preview as Student' to see the assignment as a student will. Click here to learn more about previewing.


    • You can also click the blue links for "Skills", "Standards" and "Prompts" to explore the assignment in more detail.

    • You can preview as many assignments as you want without copying them to 'My Assignments', but you will need to copy an assignment before you can customize it or assign it.

    • To go back to the Explore page use the back button in your browser or click 'Explore' at the top of your page.

  6. When you’re ready, click 'Copy Assignment' to save the assignment for editing and, eventually, to assign it to a class.

    💡Tip! You can also click 'Copy Collection' to copy all assignments to your assignment collection.

  7. Now you're ready to customize or assign your assignment. Be sure to check out these links for more information about using your Writable assignments:

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