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What type of reporting exports are available in Writable?
What type of reporting exports are available in Writable?

View raw data and scores from assignments, assessments and reports

Tim Zaccaria avatar
Written by Tim Zaccaria
Updated over a year ago

Writable provides exports from all reports and the assignment dashboard, allowing teachers and administrators to view raw scores and grades. Below is a guide to available exports.

In this article:

Growth Report

Student writing and detailed scores can be exported from the 'Growth Report' under the Reports tab using these directions. This report provides the following exports:

1. Click 'More' at the top of the page and then choose 'Report'. Click 'Growth Report' from the report options. Use the dropdown menus to filter and select your report options:

  • Click 'All Genres' and select the genre for the assignments that you would like to compare.

  • Click 'Select...' and choose an assignment.

  • OPTIONAL: Click the second 'Select...' box to choose an assignment you want to compare. Note: This assignment should have been completed after the first.

  • Check 'Final Only' to export only teacher grades and reviews.

2. Click 'Export' and select an option for where you would like to export your data.

Export to Google Drive

If you decide to export to Google Drive, you’ll also be asked whether you want to export just grades or grades and students’ writing, and then click 'Export'.

Export to Google Sheets

Exporting to Google Sheets provides an overview of student performance on rubric items, overall scores, and RevisionAid scores.

Note: RevisionAid is temporarily unavailable while Writable works to improve this student support.

Export to Google Docs

Exporting to Google Docs will provide your student's writing submissions and grades. Student submissions will be listed one after the other, with the student's name and information at the top, then the scores and comments you gave them, and lastly the student's writing. This export is also available from the assignment dashboard.

Export to CSV

Export to CSV downloads a zipped folder including the following five exports for your assignment.

  • Rubric Items: Scores for each rubric item checklist.

  • Summary - Category: Scores for rubric item categories.

  • Summary - Revisionaid: Revisionaid Scores

  • Summary - Skill: Scores for rubric skills

  • Summary - Standard: Scores on rubric standards

Note: RevisionAid is temporarily unavailable while Writable works to improve this student support.

Export Student writing to PDF

Export to PDF provides all student writing submissions, along with overall grades, rubric scores, and teacher comments. This export is also available from the assignment dashboard. Note: Export Student Writing to PDF will not show multiple choice questions.

Proficiency and Recommendations Report Export

Export from the Proficiency and Recommendations Report will provide detailed raw scores from one or more assignments. The report includes the following:

  • Overall AI and Teacher Scores

  • Category

  • Skills

  • Standards

Assignment Dashboard Exports

The assignment dashboard allows access to the following data exports:

Export to CSV

This export provides detailed score in points, percentage, or numeric, for all short response questions, and extended response rubric items on a given assignment.

Export to Google Drive

Export to Google Drive from the assignment dashboard, allows comparing teacher, peer and self scores, as well as exporting student writing to google docs.

Export to Google Sheets

Use the Export to Google Sheets when using peer and self-review in Writable, to easily compare teacher, peer and self scores each student. This export shows overall scores, as well as skill, rubrics, and peer reviewer alignment.

Export to Google Docs

Click here to view more information on the Export to Google Docs.

Export Student Writing to PDF

Click here to view more information on the Export Student Writing to PDF.

Export to Canvas

If you have trouble linking grades to your Canvas gradebook, exporting to Canvas allows you to import grades directly into Canvas. From your assignment dashboard exports, choose 'Export to Canvas,' set a 'Maximum point value,' and export to obtain grades.

Once you've exported your grades, navigate to your gradebook in Canvas. Click 'actions,' then 'import' the downloaded file into your Canvas gradebook. Grades should populate for your assignment in Canvas.

Export to Schoology

If you have trouble linking grades to your Schoology gradebook, exporting to Schoology allows you to import grades directly into Schoology. From your assignment dashboard exports, choose 'Export to Schoology,' set a 'Maximum point value,' and export to obtain grades.

Once you've exported your grades, navigate to your gradebook in Schoology. Click the vertical ellipses, then choose 'import,' to import the downloaded file into your Schoology gradebook. Grades should populate for your assignment in Schoology.

Usage Report Export (for Administrators Only)

The Usage Report export provides the reporting detail within a selected time frame on the following:

  • Assignments: Assignment titles for each teacher, along with students assigned, submitted, graded, and average scores.

  • Schools: Usage overview at each school, includes active teachers, number of assignments, submissions, feedback, revisions, and average score.

  • Statistics: District or school wide usage data for number of accounts, seats taken, and assignments.

  • Students: Student usage detail includes number of assignments, submissions, average scores, and words written.

  • Teachers: Teacher usage details include number of assignments, submissions, feedback, revisions and average scores.

Shared Assessment Progress Report (Administrators Only)

For any shared assessment, progress data can be exported for comparison of assessment completion across the school or district. Navigate to your assessment in 'My Assignments,' and click 'Progress Check.'

Click 'Export' to download reporting detail as a .csv file.

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