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What are best practices for using AI to grade and give feedback?
What are best practices for using AI to grade and give feedback?

Strategies for success to make the most of Writable’s AI grading suggestions.

Tim Zaccaria avatar
Written by Tim Zaccaria
Updated over 4 months ago

Writable’s AI Suggested Comments and GradeAssist AI-Suggested Scores are powerful tools to save you time when grading, and give students actionable feedback to help them revise. AI scores and comments are only suggestions made to teachers; Feedback is never sent to students directly without teacher review, and teachers are encouraged to modify the feedback before sharing. Writable’s AI feedback suggestions can be enabled on any rubric or assignment, including ones you create or customize.

In this article:

Understand the types of feedback suggested by the AI

Rubric Scores

AI Draft Scores provide assessment of student performance based on the skills attached to your rubric items. These scores can help you build confidence as you grade, and gain consistency with your own rubric scoring.

Writable provides scores for all rubric items, but AI assessment varies depending on the rubric item skills.

Reading and Writing Skills Rubrics: Reading and writing rubric skills in Writable use OpenAI for suggested scores and comments.

Grammar Rubrics: Rubrics using skills for grammar, conventions and spelling are powered by GrammarAid and are based on the number of errors and length of writing.

Rubric Item Comments

AI-generated comment suggestions appear underneath each rubric item and align with the AI draft score. These comments reinforce strong skill performance and provide actionable, skill-driven feedback to help students revise.

Overall Comments

A single overall comment appears on the ‘Guide and Grade’ screen or at the bottom of a submission in the full grading view, providing a summary of student performance related to the assignment prompt and complete rubric. Teachers can send this feedback at any time during the writing process or the comments will be sent to the student when the teacher reviews and submits the score. When feedback is received by students, they are asked to indicate if they understand the comment. Teachers should encourage students to respond to the feedback and seek further clarification when needed.

Tip: Writable provides age appropriate feedback by considering your class's grade level. Make sure each class has the grade selected on the ‘Classes’ tab.

Use ‘Guide and Grade’ to maximize your AI impact

Send feedback early in the writing process

Students are far more likely to act on feedback when they are actively working on the assignment. The ‘Guide and Grade’ view of the dashboard allows you to monitor student writing in real time. As your students are drafting, you can request, edit, and deliver AI feedback at any time. Connecting with students while they write encourages reflection and improvement from the start.

Find students that need support

Guide and Grade shows you an overall Draft Score suggested by the AI. This provides a quick and easy measure of student overall performance, so you can gauge areas of need. Use the filters at the top of Guide and Grade to find students that are “On Watch” for specific skills as identified by the AI. This can save valuable time and allow you to target the students that need the most support. If you see a group of students struggling with the same skill, you can use the group feedback to write one comment that will be sent in private messages to each student.

Keep revision front and center

AI-suggested comments are designed to provide rubric aligned and actionable feedback with the goal of encouraging revision. Consider providing time to reflect and revise on any assignment, from Writable High 5 Quick Writes to extended response performance tasks. By emphasizing revision, students approach writing as a process to grow and improve. With each new submission, the AI will generate new feedback suggestions to send students and encourage their revision.

Review and edit suggested grades and comments

AI-suggested grades and comments are recommendations that can save teachers time while giving students the feedback they need to grow. However, it’s recommended to review all suggestions prior to sending, both for accuracy and impact. AI can occasionally provide incorrect information. Writable’s AI feedback is designed to cite the students’ actual writing when providing guidance, and may comment on sensitive subjects. If your students are writing about sensitive topics, your discretion will always be better than AI feedback. Additionally, if a student fails to make a substantive effort or submits irrelevant writing, AI may not respond directly to the submission.

Understand the AI’s Limitations

AI suggested grades and comments are available on any assignment and rubric with some limitations. Currently, AI comments and draft scores are not supported for writing completed in graphic organizers, certain differentiated supports including scaffolded short response questions, photos of submitted writing, and recorded response.

Writable works with OpenAI as its main source of AI prompt suggestions and feedback, and OpenAI models are not trained on all recent sources and current events. As with all AI tools, Writable has built its recommendations with the teacher in mind, and we encourage teachers to evaluate the prompts and feedback that are generated before sending them to students.

Want to disable GradeAssist rubric item scores and comments on an assignment? Check out directions here.

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