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Welcome! Here are some common questions about creating a course in Xperiencify:

Updated over a month ago
  • How do I Get Started with Xperiencify?

    • Here's how to get started with creating your first course!

Click here to access the 4 prep resources mentioned in the video!

  • How do I Change "Trainings" to "Lessons"? (or Any Term You Prefer)

    • Here's a quick video tutorial that shows you how to rename "Trainings" or "Modules" in your Xperiencify course to "Lessons"– or whatever term works best for you!

  • Why is My Test Certificate Not Working?

    • Most likely, you are simply sending a test email without actually generating the certificate. This quick video tutorial will walk you through how to correctly test your certificate!

  • How do I Change the Name of XP and XXP Points?

    • You can change the name of XP and XXP points to call them anything you like. Here's how!

  • How do I Sign Students Up For My Course?

    • First, you'll need to have an Active, paid account (with either a Lifetime plan or active subscription)

    • Second, your course will need to be published

    • To sign up students, you can use one of the following methods:

  • I'm Testing My Course. Why Don't I See Points Show Up?

    • If you are previewing your course in Admin Preview mode, then the points will not accumulate. More info here.

    • To truly test your course: add yourself as a test student, using a different email address than the email of your course creator account.

    • Pro-tip: use separate browsers when working as admin and student. This keeps your browser's cookies from auto- directing you to the "wrong" account

  • Do I have to Set Up Every Single Page in Step 4?

    • Not at all! You only need to customize the pages that you will use in your course

    • For many courses, this will simply include: Home, All Trainings, Single Training, Order Form, and Marketplace.

    • You may also want to use: Replays, Bonuses, etc... it's up to you!

    • A student can only access a page if you have created a link on your navigation menu that allows them to access that page.

  • How Do Students Access the Bonus page? ( Or the Replays page, Forum, etc).

  • Can I Hide a Course on the Marketplace If It's Not Ready?

    • You can choose exactly what you show on the Marketplace, and adjust this at any time -- here's how!

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