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How to Report a Bug or Problem

Guide to Reporting Bugs: Steps to Troubleshoot Browser Issues and Submit Information for Fast Support.

Updated over 4 months ago

Even though it’s our top priority to keep the platform working smoothly for you and your students, there’s always the possibility you’ll run into a bug or glitch when using any piece of technology.

It’s important to us to take care of bugs FAST — so you can rest assured that your students are taken care of, and keep your focus on creating your work!

If something doesn’t seem to be working, the first thing to do is rule out any issues happening with your browser. Try these tips to clear any browser issues that might be interfering.

Still having a problem? We're here to help.

To allow us to get you taken care of as quickly as possible, please send us this info:

Here's The Basic Info We Need

Please make sure you've sent the FULL info below - once we've received everything, we'll check it out and quickly get you taken care of!

  • 1) Email address of YOUR course creator account

  • 2) Course name (if applicable)

  • 3) Specifically where in your account we should look, to see an example of the problem

    • ie: Training Notes for Module 1, Training 1

    • Even if it's happening in multiple places, please send us one specific example of exactly where we can go to see it

  • 4) Brief description of the issue.

  • 5) How are you viewing the course- in admin preview, or as a student?

    • If you're viewing the course as a student: what's the email address of the student that you're using to view the course?

  • 6) If you have students reporting a problem, please send us the email addresses of one example student who's experiencing the issue

    • Important: even if it's happening for multiple students, please send us the email of one sample student who's experiencing the issue

    For Fastest Support

  • 7) Best practice - including screenshots or a video will allow us to instantly see what's going on. (For clarity, please be sure to list out the info above, as well as shooting us a quick screen video).

  • 8) If the problem is happening for a student on their mobile device, please include the type and year of the phone that the student is using.

Sending us this info upfront will help our team get the issue resolved FAST, so you can stay focused on creating your amazing work!

Drop us a note using the green chat widget, or send an email to - we’ll be back to you asap, and get you all taken care of.

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