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Analytics: Overview Page
Analytics: Overview Page
Nikhil Shikarkhane avatar
Written by Nikhil Shikarkhane
Updated over 2 years ago

The overview page is the default analytics page which opens when you click on analytics. It gives you a first glance and overview of your data.

Note-The total number of orders visible in yayloh are by default only fulfilled / closed / completed orders in OMS back office, unless specified otherwise. This could result in small discrepancies in number of orders between your OMS and yayloh.

The overview page is divided into 3 main sections:

  1. Average return rate data.

  2. Top 5 most returned products.

  3. Return reasons and types statistics.

1. Average return rate data.

yayloh calculates the return rate by dividing the numbers of returns by the number of orders based on order date and multiplied by 100. It gives you information about:

  1. Average return rate across all category. It is visible in bold under the title. On the side in red, view the drop or increase in the return rate as compared to the previous period.

  2. Orders and returns: It shows the total number of orders and returns registered during the defined period.

  3. The graph represent the return rate variation as per the order date for the selected period. It helps to know trend in return behavior on different dates

2. Top 5 most returned products.

This section gives an overview of the top 5 most often returned products by volume. It shows an overview:

  1. Return rate,

  2. Number of returns vs orders,

  3. Top 2 most common return reasons with their percentage share.

3. Return reasons and types statistics.

With the help of a pie chart, we show the percentage distribution of:

  1. Return reasons

  2. Return types

Clicking on the legends of the pie charts will allow you to omit parameters to see the distribution of the remaining.

Important Note-

You can change the time period by selecting different date ranges from period selection available upper left corner of the page. This period applicable all section mentioned above.

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