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Introduction to Manage tab

The "Manage" tab in yayloh is designed to help you efficiently handle return requests. Here's an overview of its key features.

Vineeta Pendse avatar
Written by Vineeta Pendse
Updated over 4 months ago

Return Statuses in yayloh

There are three return statuses in yayloh:

  1. Open: This tab shows all new return requests that may require action.

  2. In Progress: This status is for return requests that are being processed for refunds, store credits, or exchanges.

  3. Processed: This tab lists all completed return requests.

Managing Return Requests

  • You can assign return requests to yourself or other team members.

  • Identify customer comments, problems, or reasons for return/exchange by looking for the comment icon. You may also see a sad smiley, indicating a dissatisfied customer, which signals that action may be needed.

  • If further follow-up is necessary, you can create a support ticket in Gorgias or Zendesk directly from the order page.

Searching and Filtering in yayloh

There are two ways to search for return requests, customers, or products in yayloh:

  1. Global Search Field: Use this field to search for orders, customers, or products.

  2. Side Search: Allows you to search by specific orders, customer names, or product names.

  3. Custom List: filter for multiple return requests using custom lists by using Order ID or Tracking ID.

Read full introduction to all search functions here.

Filtering and Processing Returns

  • To filter return requests, click the drop-down icon on the side.

  • You can filter by return type, tracking status, in-store status, or inspection status.

  • Once filtered, select the funnel-shaped icon to apply the filter. To remove the filter, select “Clear Filtering” to return to the full list.

  • You can bulk process returns by selecting multiple return requests using the checkboxes, then clicking the Bulk Process button to move them to "In Progress."

Editing Customer Information

  • To edit an email ID, select the return request order, and you'll find customer details under Order Details.

  • Click the pencil icon next to the email field, update the email address, and press the green button to save the changes.

Read step-by-step instructions here.

Sorting Return Requests

By default, return requests are shown based on the currently selected (editable) timeframe, but you can also sort them by request date or order date.

Tracking Shipping Status

The last column shows the return shipping status, including whether the item has been:

  • Created

  • Dropped off

  • In transit

  • Received

  • Inspected by the warehouse

  • Refunded

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