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Creating and editing jobs
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

In this article we will tell you all about how you can create new and/or edit existing jobs in the YourDriverApp solution.

Jobs can be created either from the Jobs tab


or from within a group you are a member of.
In the Jobs tab you can find a blue button on the bottom right of your screen: New Job. When you tap this button, you will be sent to a screen where you can create a new job. In this screen you have the following options:


Job ownership
Only available Fleet Solution users, if you want to learn more about ownership please read here! Choose who has the responsibility to manage the job, it can be set to you or one of your (Business) Groups that support ownership. Once you assign a job to a Business Group, commissions for this job will also be assigned to the group.

Pickup address and destination
Choose which pickup location your passenger wants to be picked up from. Search an address or location such as airports, hotels, restaurants or any other business or public site.

It is preferable to also enter the destination (if available). Since in some cases the final destination is not known, entering this field is optional.

Extra options:

  • If you mark contacts as a passenger and fill in their info, you can select the contact when filling in the address, this way the system will automatically fill in their pickup info.

  • You can also easily set an address as a favourite address, just search for an address in the Search tab and click on the 3 dots to the right of the address. Now you can name your favourite address and always find them in the Favourites tab!

  • Under the Customers tab you can find the addresses of your marked customers, choose the customer and the address provided by this customer in the contact is selected!

Pickup time
Setting the right requested pickup time is very important. You will have the option to choose "Now" or set a time and date in the future.

Passenger details
Here you can fill in all the contact details your drivers need to know about the passenger that needs to be picked up. Good to know: you can search in your contact list for the passenger, the system will then automatically fill in all the info about the passenger. If you fill in the email of the passenger, you can also send out automatic booking emails, more about that here.

Vehicle type
Choosing a vehicle is important, because it cannot be assumed that every type of car is suitable for the ride offer. In YourDriverApp, we work with the following 5 vehicle types:

  1. Saloon - Standard cargo capacity, max 4 passengers

  2. Estate - Extra cargo capacity, max 4 passengers

  3. Minivan - High cargo capacity, max 5 passengers

  4. Van - Maximum cargo capacity, max 8 passengers

  5. Limo - Standard cargo capacity, max 4 passengers

In order to ensure that drivers do not get a ride that is not suitable for their vehicle type, we use the top-down method.

When you choose:

  • Saloon as vehicle type, the ride will be dispatched to drivers that have vehicle type saloon, estate, minivan or van.

  • Estate as vehicle type, the ride will be dispatched to drivers that have vehicle type estate, minivan or van.

  • Minivan as vehicle type, the ride will be dispatched to drivers that have vehicle type minivan or van.

  • Van as vehicle type, the ride will be dispatched to drivers that have vehicle type van.

  • Limo as vehicle type, the ride will be dispatched to drivers that have vehicle type limo.

When creating a new job, you have the option to make variations in your pricing. When you click on pricing, you will see this screen with the following options:


Invoice addressee

  • Is your passenger the debtor?: Select to whom the invoice or receipt should be addressed. If this should be different from the passenger, you have the option to create or select a debtor.

  • Debtor: When your passenger is not the same as the debtor, you can create/select a debtor here. When you've assigned a debtor for the invoice, you can find all the details within the YourDriverApp Portal, so that you can send out the invoice to that debtor at another time.

Fare calculation

  • On meter: Choose when your fare is based on the taxi meter.

  • Fixed: Choose when the fare amount is agreed upfront with the customer.

  • Hourly booking (currently Android only): Set an hourly rate in combination with the booked duration.

  • Payment method: Here you can choose if your payment method is in taxi, or via invoice.


Here you can set your commission rate for the ride you're about to share to your driver(s). Commission is like a service fee which you can charge to your drivers because you are providing work for them. This commission won't have any effect on the price for the customer. When you've set a commission, your drivers will see this when they get the job offer. Once the job is accepted, you can find it back in the YourDriverApp Portal. From here, you can send out invoices to all drivers that owe you a commission.

There are 3 types of commission you can choose:

  • Percentage: Commission based on a percentage of the job price

  • Fixed amount: Commission set to a fixed amount

  • Fixed driver payout: Fixed amount the driver will get payed for this job

Dispatch to driver
Last, but definitely not least, is the option "Dispatch to", shown at the bottom of the job creation screen. Here you can make a choice on how you wish to assign a driver to this job. More about that here.

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