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Retarget old prospects
Hanna Thapper avatar
Written by Hanna Thapper
Updated over a week ago

Starting a New Campaign With Previously Used Prospects


Do you have prospects who were previously added to one campaign but now you want to transfer them to another? No worries, it can be done effortlessly by following a few simple steps!

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of swiftly moving your prospects from one campaign to another, ensuring a seamless transition.

Please bear in mind that retargeting prospects is only possible three weeks after their last action. Also prospects that have previously replied will not be transferred. For a better understanding of this safety feature, consider reading more about releasing prospects.

How to Start a Campaign With Old Prospects

Video guide:

Step 1. Create a Draft for Your Retargeting Campaign

Start by creating a draft of your retargeting campaign and save it. No need to add prospects or work on your messages just yet.

Step 2. Access the Current Campaign

Go to the campaign where the prospects that you want to retarget are.

Step 3: Select the Prospects to Move

Choose the prospects you wish to include in the new campaign and click "Move prospects" in the top navigation bar.

Step 4: Review Moved Prospects

Zaplify will display the number of prospects that will be moved.

Step 5: Choose the New Retargeting Campaign

Select the newly drafted retargeting campaign from your list of campaigns.

Your prospects are now successfully moved, and you can return to complete your draft retargeting campaign before launching it!


You now have the knowledge and tools to begin a new campaign with prospects who were previously part of an active campaign. By following these steps, you can efficiently and effectively retarget your prospects, ensuring a seamless transition.

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