You can search our Help Center, talk to our virtual assistant, or contact the ZayZoon Customer Care Team for assistance.
Note: We don't currently offer phone support.
Search our Help Center
Need a quick answer? Find answers to frequently asked questions in the ZayZoon Help Center.
Chat with us
Click the chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the app or in our help center to start a message.
Our 24/7 virtual assistant will help answer your questions immediately. If you need further assistance, you'll be directed to a live agent during operating hours.
Email us
Email our Customer Care Team at
Operating hours
While our virtual chat assistant can help you 24/7, our live agents are available:
Monday to Friday: | 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. MST |
Saturday and Sunday: | 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. MST |