If you are experiencing issues with Zylpha Online Bundling there are some simple things you can attempt which may resolve the issues.
Refreshing the page
Using the refresh button or pressing F5 on your keyboard will refresh the Zylpha bundling page. This can help with connection issues.
Signing out and back in
You can sign out of Zylpha using the sign-out option after clicking on your profile icon in the top right.
Once signed out, signing in again will completely refresh the connection to Zylpha, and may solve the issue you are experiencing.
Our comprehensive knowledge base contains guidance on various aspects of Zylpha Online Bundling. This can be accessed by clicking the "?" button found in the top right.
Contacting our support team
If these steps do not resolve the issue you are experiencing you can contact our support team by emailing support@zylpha.com. We offer email support to our Free Online Bundling users, users with a SOLO licence qualify for phone and remote session support if required.
Our support team will ask for information regarding the issue you are experiencing, such as:
A description of the issue
A screenshot of any errors
The unique bundle ID of the bundle you are experiencing the issue on. For guidance on finding the unique bundle ID, please click here.
The approximate time you last experienced the issue
Once our support team has all the required information on the issue, our investigation can begin and we will get back to you with updates and guidance.